Monday, December 6, 2010


Due to the nature of shadowrunning, runners will often wish to escape pursuit. For runners with fast cars or the ability to fly this might not be such a hassle, but runners often find themselves fleeing on foot, and have often found themselves out of luck. Fortunately, at least in urban and similar environments, parkour, can help them to escape. By moving in unexpected, acrobatic,and artful ways runners can escape all but the most ardent of pursuers.
Parkour is a specialization of athletics which can be used to escape pursuit. To do this, the character makes a parkour test against a base target number of 4+ any applicable or listed modifiers (below). The pursuer then either makes their own parkour test, or performs other actions. Once the fleeing character has a net number of parkour successes equal to their opponent's quickness or athletics (parkour) rating (whichever is higher) they can do one of two things:
1. Make an immediate stealth check.
2. Keep running and roll for more successes, either adding these to a later stealth check, or rolling another complete set and leaving their opponent confounded in the dust.

If the stealth check is made, the pursuers wander about and roll 1-4 perception checks depending on how hard they were chasing the character. If these checks fail, then the character has hidden in an alley or blended into a parade or somesuch, and is free of immediate pursuit, though it may be wise to keep a low profile.

If the character chooses to outmaneuver and outdistance the pursuer, then the pursuer rolls a Body check vs a TN of the fleeing character's total net parkour successes. Failure means the pursuer has been bested and looses the target, success means that the chase can continue, albeit with the pursuer making another such check each phase until he strips the fleeing character of enough net successes, or fails.

Parkour Modifiers (4+...)
+1 per extra opponent
+2 per flying opponent
+4 per astral opponent (which will also add +2 for flying)

Parkour can also be used for climbing and jumping in many situations.
Parkour can be used as a supplement to stealth (sneaking) when outdoors in urban environments.

Perk:  L'art du deplacement: each net parkour success you have over a pursuing party imposes a +1 TN penalty on their ranged actions against you.

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