
Engineers, see also: Omnitools

Important Skills
Engineering – used for Tech abilities, sundry tasks. Replaces Electronics, most build/repair skills.
Computers – used for hacking abilities, Digital Trace, and other computing tasks, replaces some build/repair skills in the hands of an Engineer.
Digital Stealth – used in Day-to day life and Digital tracing.

Engineers have a tech pool that can be used to augment their Tech and Computer based rolls:
Tech pool = (intelligence+ omnitool rating)/2
Becoming an Engineer costs 20pts at character creation, or 24 Karma during game play, and allows the character to start with a rating 6 omnitool, the first certification of a chosen path, and 5 abilities.

Cooldown Management
Roll Intelligence vs TN of ½ the rating of the ability to try to get enough successes to negate the cooldown.
Each ability has its own cooldown code, similar to a spell.
Tech pool Dice may be used on this test.
Missing successes are deducted from your omni-tool rating
If the omni-tool rating is depleted these go to stun damage, with each 2 being a wound level.
When resisting this stun damage it is at the full rating of the ability.
Omnitool rating recovers at a rate of 1/turn
The engineer may make an engineering test (TN= 2x missing rating) to speed this up, It is a complex action, and each success restores one point of omnitool rating.


Upgrading Your omnitool

Upgrades cost money equal to 11,000 times the new rating and karma equal to 1x the new rating. This represents the engineer upgrading hardware and learning how to use it.
Also Costs .25 essence per level.

This requires an Engineering test TN 4+new rating. The base time is a number of days equal to the new rating, but extra successes can speed it up.
An omnitool upgrade allows the Engineer to select a new Tech or Hacking power for free.
*Special: Because of the nature of an omnitool's nanomachines, combined with the unique interface between the engineer and omnitool, omnitools are not effected by considerations such as bio-rejection or sensitive system.

Omnitool Configurations
A basic omnitool can replicate the functions of a comp of its rating (though it has no VI), as well as those of basic electronics and mechanical toolkits. Invariably however, Engineers will want to expand the functionality of their omnitools, this is done by adding new "Omnitool Configurations". An omnitool configuration allows an omnitool to emulate the function of some other portable device that an engineer might need, and they can be acquired in two ways:
1. The Engineer pays an amount of money equal to 1.5 times the device's normal cost. This represents acquiring special hardware upgrades, programs, and resources to improve the functions of the omnitool. Availability rules apply normally though street index does not. This takes time according to availability.
2. The Engineer does it "in their head" improving the software/firmware in their own mind and body to allow the omnitool to simulate the function. This costs good Karma equal to 1/2 the chosen device's availability, and can only be used to emulate devices with an availability no higher than twice the omnitool's rating. This takes a base time of (Availability) hours, but the Engineer makes an intelligence test to accomplish the feat, and multiple successes shorten time. This can be run as a background task, subtracting 2 from the omnitools rating as normal.
Engineers can mix and match the two methods, paying half the money and half the karma for instance, but doing so uses whichever time frame would be longer.
Engineers can upgrade existing configurations by paying the difference in price between the old an new ones. 
Example: Kasumi the infiltrator needs to sneak into a grain silo without disturbing the lock's case, and then to find a needle in a haystack, (which is in a grain silo for some reason). To do this she decides she wants a rating 6 maglock passkey, and a rating 6 magnetic anomaly detector. Passkeys are expensive, but she's got extra Karma for now, so she decides to do that part in her head, she rolls 1 success on an intelligence test against TN 12 (the availability of a rating 6 passkey) and has her omnitool configured to do it in 12 hours. For the metal detector she goes to the matrix and a few meatspace locations and shells out 22,500¥ (2500*6*1.5) and has that done in about a day. She's all set; and that needle had better be worth it.

Specializations and Certifications
Engineers advance through earning certifications. Certifications allow engineers to manipulate tech in various ways. An engineer earns a certification by entering the Matrix and approaching The Nexus. He must pay an amount of karma equal to 4+ the level of the certification he is seeking and an amount of money equal to 2500*the level of the certification he seeks. The engineer then makes an intelligence test TN 5+cert level. Success means that the engineer receives the certification, failure means that he loses his money, but not his karma. The base time is 5 hours +1 hour per cert level, but extra successes can cut this.

Each engineer begins play with the first level of one specialization known. Completing a specialization path grants 1 free instance of the Extra Specialization perk. The specializations are as follows


Bastions are the preeminent combat engineers. They excel in functioning under adverse conditions and in providing an “eye of the storm” in battle.

Level 1: Focus Under pressure – Bastions ignore a number of target number penalties equal to their bastion certs when performing Tech or Hacking tasks. These penalties must come from effects targeting or affecting the bastion, such as spells or wounds, and not from ambient or indirect conditions such as poor light or target cover

Level 2: Bastion adds certs to body and will based resistance tests.

Level 3: Bastion stays conscious after receiving a deadly stun for a number of turns equal to certs.

Level 4: Bastions add their certs to their ballistic and impact armor ratings

Level 5: Bastions ignore target number penalties on all tasks equal to their certs and penalties equal to 2x their certs on tech and hacking tasks

Shield Specialist

Shield specialists stand alongside Bastions in their focus on defense. They work to avoid damage rather than weather it however.

L1: Shield specialists add their certs to the rating and resilience of their shields

L2: A shield specialist can restore an overheated shield with a complex action. The Shield specialist rolls engineering vs TN (shield's rating – Shield Specialist certs) each success restores a box of damage to the shield.

L3: Specialists also know how to tear down shields. Add their certs to the power of any attack they make against shields.

L4: Melee shields. By synchronizing their shield with their omni-tools Shield Specialists not only make them effective vs melee, but make them a countermeasure. When attacked in melee Shield Specialists may roll their shield's rating in place of a melee roll. If the specialist wins, the attacker must resist a base damage of (Rating)M stun damage. Regardless, the shields are effective vs melee attacks

L5: Impervious Shields: The specialist's shields have hardened armor equal to 2x the specialist's certs.


Demolitionists are the most destructive of engineers. They blow things up and they blow them up good.

L1: Bombardier – Add certs to the power of any explosive or fire-based attack or tech power

L2: Extra combat pool dice vs explosions and fire = certs

L3: Targets hit by your explosive and fire effects can be knocked down or set aflame respectively. If an attack has both qualities you choose which effect to apply. Either initial effect is resisted by a quickness test equal to 4+certs. Burning targets must resist (4+certs)M damage each turn until they make the quickness test to put the flames out, a complex action.

L4: Set Up the Bomb – If you spend 5 turns analyzing a target you may then immediately deploy an explosive effect at double power.

L5: Optimized Firing – Whenever you make an explosive or fire attack, you also make a secondary attack with the other descriptor. The secondary attack strikes with half the power and half the success of the primary, but is resisted separately. Any associated fire or knockdown is also at half power.


Botsmasters are the masters of Mechs an VI's

L1: My buddy and me – Free Mech with rating, Shields, Primary attributes, skills, and number of skills equal to 2x certs. Can be repaired at ¼ cost or for free between adventures.

L2: Extra dice equal to your certs on tech and computer rolls vs mechs

L3: Your free mech can fly, and can itself use tech abilities. It can use a number of such abilities euqal to your certs at a power level equal to your certs.

L4: Once per turn you can either start hacking a VI as a free action or sustain the hacking of a VI without either concentrating or reducing the rating of your omni-tool

L5: Your free mech gains 1 free perk for each cert you possess.



L1: Enhanced Tracing – extra dice on digital trace tests = certs
L2: Enhanced Stealth – add certs to digital stealth rolls as a flat bonus
L3: Enhanced Analysis – Add certs to tests to find a digital trace as a flat bonus
L4: Enhanced awareness: +certs to digital perception
L5: Pernicious Access – extra turns of access after defender terminates equal to their certs. Defender may allot additional success to push the hacker out.


Infiltrators use technology to become masters of stealth and disguise, they are often master spies or industrial saboteurs.
L1: Stealth Field: The Infiltrator gets a bonus on stealth rolls equal to certs in this specialization
L2: Makeup Matters: The Engineer uses her omnitool to modify props, makeup, and clothing for the perfect disguise. Add certs in this spec to disguise TNs.
L3: Keys are for amateurs: The engineer receives a number of extra dice equal to certs on checks vs locks and alarm systems.
L4: Did my homework: The engineers access to vast data, as well as real-time voice and pattern analysis lets the engineer roll a number of additional dice on social rolls equal to certs in this spec.
L5: 1000 Faces: The engineer can generate Fake IDs on the spot, although she must still pay for them. The Engineer rolls a computers test against a target number of the ID's rating; the base time to generate an ID is 1 minute, which is divided by the number of successes. The Engineer can do this for herself or for accomplices.

New Paths
1) The tactician, if he can see and communicate with allies (in person or remotely) gives each ally +certs dice to perception tests
2) The tactician gains +certs to combat pool dice to dodge/resist attacks (including melee resist) and to reaction tests for surprise
3) The tactician grants +certs dice to stealth rolls for allies he can perceive and communicate (quietly) to either in person or remotely
4) The tactician can grant +certs combat pool dice to all allies he can see and communicate with. This takes a complex action to issue tactical advice and lasts the duration of the round. They can use the dice for offense or defense
5) The tactician can allocate his own perception dice to supplement ally perception tests and can use his skills and tech pool to supplement ally tests so long as he can see and communicate with them either in person or remotely

1) Gain +certs dice to investigation checks including those which supplement perception
2) Gain +certs as a flat bonus to open perception tests to pierce stealth and disguises
3) Gain +certs perception dice to oppose digital stealth when linked to a device to detect tampering with the device
4) Gain +certs dice to overcome white noise generators, voice modulators, signal jammers and other counter security devices
5) Gains +certs dice on checks to track or pursue individuals including etiquette, drive, or parkour tests.

1) Gain +certs to all tests made to drive a vehicle you are linked to
2) Grant +certs dice to a linked vehicle you're driving to resist damage to the vehicle
3) Add 10% per cert to vehicles top speed if linked to it while driving
4) Subtract certs from target number modifiers to use weapons while driving a linked vehicle, this includes held weapons and vehicle weapons but not tech powers
5) Can ignore up to certs number of TN modifiers to driving tests incurred from damage to vehicle or traffic/road conditions but not due to effects targeting the engineer. This applies when driving a linked vehicle.

Engineer Abilities
Below are the Different Tech and Hacking abilities that Engineers can use. Each ability costs 5 good karma and ¥2500 to learn. Engineers start play with 5 abilities known. The range of an ability is determined by the Rating of the Engineer's omnitool. The engineer may use any ability at a rating of up to the rating of the omnitool, but may choose to use them at a lower power level to help manage cooldown.
Sustaining Abilities: To sustain an ability, the engineer either keeps it actively in mind, concentrating on it and incurring a +2 TN modifier on all tests including cooldown management, or runs it as a background process of the omnitool, reducing the omnitool's rating by 2, but otherwise incurring no penalties.

Tech Abilities
These abilities are deployed with the Engineering skill

Cooldown:  (Damage Level +2)
Duration: Instant
Range: Rating x 100 Meters
Launches a ball of superheated plasma which bursts on impact, damaging everything within a radius of (Rating) meters. The Engineer selects the damage level when deploying this ability. Half of impact armor applies. This is a plasma/fire effect.

Cooldown: (Damage Level +1)
Duration: Instant
Range: Rating x 1 Meters
The Engineer launches a blast of supercooled particles at a target within (rating) meters, damaging it and hampering its movements. Organics and Mechs damaged by this ability take a penalty to quickness equal to one-half the ability's rating, and may be frozen in place. At the beginning of each turn thereafter, effected targets make a body test against the ability's rating, with each success removing one point of penalties. Engineer selects damage level upon deployment. Half of impact armor applies. Multiple uses of this ability can stack.

Cooldown: (Damage Level)
Duration: Instant
Range: Rating x 100 meters

A signature ability of Engineers, overload attempts to disable shields and Mechs with a burst of modulated electricity in a radius of (Rating) Meters. The engineer selects the base damage level upon deployment. This damage level is increased by 1 against Mechs and Shields, against which it does lethal damage, and decreased by one against organics, for whom it does stun damage. Half of impact armor applies.

Cooldown: S
Duration: Sustained
Range: Rating x 10 meters
The Engineer's omnitool continually sweeps a particle-scanning beam over the area, sending sensor data to the engineer's allies. The engineer rolls against a target number of 4; each success reduces all visibility modifiers within range by 1, up to a maximum of the ability's rating. The same number is also deducted from all stealth rolls in the area.

Shield Boost
Cooldown: M
Duration: Sustained
Range: Rating x 10 meters
By using this ability the Engineer's own shield or that of an ally can be boosted up to either double its rating, or double its normal damage capacity (meaning that a shield could absorb 20 boxes of damage). When deploying this ability, the engineer sets the TN of the engineering roll; this target number is also the maximum number of successes that can be applied to raising the shield's rating, or providing it with extra boxes of damage on a 1:1 basis.

Cooldown: Damage Level
Duration: Instant
Range: Rating x 100 meters
The engineer arcs a bolt of electricity at the target, dealing stun damage. Selectable damage level.

Tactical Cloak
Cooldown: M
Duration: Sustained
Range: Personal
The engineer uses extensive knowledge of sensors, as well as an interfacing of shield and omnitool mechanics to create a stealth-field effective against most forms of detection. The Engineer rolls against a target number of 4; each success up to a maximum of the ability's rating adds one to the engineer's stealth checks. Engineers using this ability may hide in plain sight. This ability is effective vs all sense types other than astral perception and engineer particle scans.

Cooldown: S
Duration: Instant
Range: Rating x 100 meters
The Engineer's feared anti-magic ability creates a background count that sticks to targets. The engineer creates a ball of simulated radioisotopes and launches them towards the target, where they burst in a sparkly green cloud of (Rating) Meters doing Rating L stun damage, and creating a background count equal to 1/2 the ability's rating. Any Target which does not completely dodge the attack however has particles cling to it, and continues to experience the background count even if it leaves the area. These particles are exceptionally short-lived and pose no real radio-danger; the background count decreases at a rate of 1/turn.

Launch Grenade
Duration: Instant
Range: Rating x 100 meters
This ability wraps a grenade in a glowing magnetic field generated by the engineer's omnitool and launches it to a point designated by the engineer and sticks it to a surface. This is known as the "Blue Spider" effect by demolitionists. Engineer rolls engineering as normal for the attack. The grenade can detonate immediately, after a set interval, or on the engineer's command. If the instant detonation option is not used, then this ability's duration is sustained. 

Cooldown: D
Duration: Instant
Range: Rating x 1 meters
This ability attempts to promote healing within the engineer's target by stimulating the target's electrostatic field, cellular regeneration, and other bio-systems. This can be quite stressful on the target's more sensitive functions. The Engineer rolls engineering against a TN of the target's total boxes of damage. Each success heals the target of 1 box of physical damage, up to a maximum of the ability's rating. The target must then however resist (Rating)M electrical stun damage, staged up by any of the engineer's successes in response to it's body's systems being put into overdrive. Regardless of the target's damage resistance result, target's left alive by this ability are stabilized if the engineer rolled any successes. If used against an unwilling target this ability's deployment TN increases by 4.

Hacking Abilities
These abilities are deployed with the computers skill.

Cooldown: S
Duration: Sustained
Range: Rating x 100 meters
The engineer takes control of the target VI or computer system, and may link with it or issue orders as though it were his own. This ability is resisted by the target's willpower and requires a number of net successes equal to half the target's rating.

Cooldown: S
Duration: Sustained
Range: Rating x 100 meters
The engineer gains read access to the sensory and process logs of the targeted computer system, and may make 1 query/phase. This ability is resisted by willpower. Digital Stealth may be used to hide the intrusion.

Cooldown: S
Duration: Instant
Range: Rating x 100 meters
The engineer may alter the sensor or process logs of the targeted computer system. The target resists this ability using willpower and there is a threshold of half the system's rating. If a VI effected by this ability encounters contradictory data it may attempt to self-correct. If the tampering is discovered, either by the effected VI or another party, then the files may be restored by a computer use check vs a TN of the ability's rating + the engineer's net successes. Digital Stealth applicable.

 Engineer's and VIs / Characters
- An Engineer may link with a number of systems (VIs, Mechs or Character's personal Sytems) equal to their omnitool rating. This lets them do a number of things:
-Boost 1 attribute of each linked VI or mech by 1/2 omnitool rating
-Use skills through VIs (where applicable)
-Use Hacking abilities through Mechs
-Use Tech pool to augment tests or defend other systems from tech attacks and hacking
-Add 1/2 omnitool rating to hacking attempts vs linked VIs
-Observe Through Mechs/VIs. The Engineer must decide how many perception dice to allot to observing through a VI and how many to use to maintain awareness in his own body. He cannot allot more dice to perceiving through a VI than that VI's rating.