
People are capable of amazing things, sometimes due to magic or cyberware, but equally often due to perks. Perks represent special abilities possessed by characters. Everyone has perks, they're a cornerstone of maintaining  competitiveness and survivability in the modern world. People acquire perks in many different ways, some are deliberately taught or trained for, and others are simply manifestations of a characters skills and abilities. Explanations may vary. Someone with Speedy may just consider themselves fast, and no one with Endure consciously believes that they're just immune to dying every once in a while.
Starting characters receive 2 free perks at character creation. Perks can otherwise be bought for 5 build points or 5 Karma. Throughout the game, characters might encounter or unlock unique or hidden perks.
Characters lose the benefits of a perk if they somehow fail to qualify for it after having taken it.
Unless otherwise noted, bonuses to initiative and reaction from perks do not stack with cyberware, those that do not stack with magic are specifically noted. Stat Bonuses from perks overlap with the temporary boost from the Increase Attribute spell.

General Perks

Good at this
You are, in fact, good at this.
Choose a skill, once per session you may reroll failures on that skill at -1TN. May be taken multiple times, for the same or different skills. Multiple uses do not stack.
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in chosen skill

Good at these
You're good at generalizing your basic abilities.
Choose an attribute, when you default to that attribute you suffer only a +2 TN modifier and are not limited to tests of TN 10 or lower
Prerequisite: Attribute 6

Made for this
Choose a particular skill and attribute combo; you may now roll one of them as a supplement to the other when making tests involving the skill
Prerequisite: Good at this, Attribute and skill 7 or higher

Something Extra
Choose an attribute and an associated skill. Increase the skill's rank by 2. This may be taken up to six times, but each time must apply to a different attribute and a different skill.
Prerequisite: Attribute 6

Once per session you may throw out a failed roll and instead buy successes with -1 die.

I meant to do that
When you fail a roll you may spend 1 KP to use the dice from that roll as a supplement to your next one.

You're better than that!
You're skilled at getting your allies to work effectively.
Once per session per ally you may allow a teammate to re-roll failures on a check. Free action, may be taken multiple times.
Prerequisite: Cha 6 or Leadership 6

You're OK!
Your pep-talks give your allies the courage to press on.
Once per session per teammate, you may cause a teammate who would pushed to a deadly wound (Physical or Stun) to instead be left one box short of a deadly wound. That teammate suffers no wound penalties on their next phase.
Prerequisite: Cha 7, You're better than that!

Your presence on the battlefield boosts your allies' morale
Add a total number of dice equal to your charisma to the combat pools of your allies. You decide how these dice are divided up at the beginning of your turn.
Prerequisite: Charisma 6 or Leadership 4, You're better than that

Try to keep up!
You devote yourself to keeping your allies up to pace.
After the party rolls initiative you can subtract points from your initiative and distribute them to your allies initiative scores. You may only add points to allies whose initiatives are lower than yours.
Prerequisite: You're better than that!

Do it Now!
You can spur your allies to action.
By spending one KP during your normal phase you may grant a teammate a bonus phase immediately after your phase. Free action.
Prerequisite: Cha 8 or Leadership 6, You're better than that

Follow My Lead
You may spend 1 KP as a free action to allow a teammate the use of any one of your perks, or your ranks in a particular skill. They retain this benefit for as long as they remain able to see and hear you, and for a number of turns equal to your charisma afterward.

Whenever one of your allies falls in combat you receive an immediate bonus phase. If that ally was killed your dice pools refresh and your wound modifiers are ignored for the remainder of the turn.

Guardian angel
Whenever you successfully apply healing to an ally who is at a serious or deadly wound, you generate a bonus phase.

Nimble Target
You may supplement your dodge tests with athletics or dance

You may divide your movement between your phases as you see fit

Increase your run multiplier by 1
Prerequisite: Quickness or athletics 6

Run around
You may move before and after acting as long as your total movement does not exceed your allotment for the phase.
Prerequisite: Agility or athletics 6, Speedy

Subtract half of your total ranks in athletics and dance from any target number penalties incurred from taking actions while walking or running.
Prerequisite: athletics or dance 4

Call the cavalry
One or more parties are willing to come to your rescue. You may spend 1 KP and an appropriate amount of resources (money, karma, favors) to have powerful aid show up and help you out of a jam. Time and availability restrictions may apply
Prerequisite: Strong ties to factions

You may spend 1 KP to use charisma as a supplement to any other roll.

Add (Cha+Will)/2 to your reaction
Prerequisite: Charisma + Willpower ≥ 10

Laughing Target
Add (will+cha)/2 to your combat pool
Prerequisite: Moxie

Senses Alive
As long as neither the ballistic nor impact rating of the armor you wear exceeds 1/2 your essence you gain bonus initiative dice equal to your (Willpower+Charisma)/6. These dice do not stack with any granted by cyberware or magic.
Prerequisite: Moxie, Laughing Target, Battle Dancer

Master Fortune
Add (Charisma + Willpower)/3 to your karma pool.
Prerequisite: Moxie, Lucky, Cha+Wil ≥ 12

Gain 1 KP. Yup.
May be taken multiple times.

Better Lucky than Good
You may spend 1 KP to replace your ranks in a skill with dice equal to your karma pool (max 12) for a roll. This will allow you to avoid defaulting.
Prerequisite: Lucky

Bonus Dice
You gain 2 Bonus Pool dice! Great job! Good for you!

You may take a complex action to make an opposed intelligence roll vs an opponent, if you win, that opponent skips his next combat phase. You receive a +1 TN modifier each time you try to trick the same opponent.
Prerequisite: Int 6

Master's Gambit
Once per turn you may choose an opponent and roll an intelligence check vs that opponent's current initiative. If you succeed, you gain a bonus phase immediately before that opponent's current initiative. You may do this at any time during the turn.
Prerequisite: Int 7, Tricky

Master Plan
During the course of a mission you have a floating pool of dice equal to your intelligence. You may add these dice to individual skill or attribute rolls as the mission progresses. The maximum number of dice that can be added to a given roll equals ½ of your intelligence or half of the base dice for roll being augmented, whichever is lower.
Prerequisite: Master's gambit

I would have remembered that
While in the field you may spend 1 KP to  roll intelligence vs the availability of an item you don't possess, if you succeed, you may deduct the item's cost from your funds and have it on hand anyway. This only works for items you could reasonably have on your person; it won't let you sneak contraband past a checkpoint, nor will it let you pull a chainsaw out of your pocket.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 6 or Common Sense advantage

Applied Attribute
Choose an attribute; raising skills linked to that attribute costs 2pts less. May be taken once per attribute.
Prerequisite: Attribute must be 5 or higher

Walk it off
You can recover from stun damage while engaged in mundane activity
Prerequisite: Body or Willpower 6

Drink water
A refreshing drink of water lets you roll for additional successes to recover from stun damage

Rub dirt on it
You never need hospitalization (though you may need medical treatment)
Prerequisite: Body 6

It takes the edge off
You may heal stun damage by drinking alcohol. You take a penalty to intelligence equal to 1/2 the boxes healed, and will pass out if your Int reaches zero. The Intelligence penalty recovers at the rate your stun damage normally would.

The Artful Dodger
Any extra successes you roll on a dodge test are returned to your combat pool
Prerequisite: Quickness, Dance, or Athletics 6

Dodge Amp (Auto-Sukukaja)
When called upon to make a dodge test you may sacrifice dice from your combat pool to lower the target number of your dodge tests for the remainder of the turn. You may not lower the target number of your dodge tests beneath 3 in this way, nor may you sacrifice more dice than your quickness.
Prerequisite: The Artful Dodger, or Battle Dancer

Uncanny Dodge
You may make dodge tests against attacks you are not aware of.

Blazing Speed
You gain 1 extra initiative die. Dice from this perk do not stack with cyberware or spells. You may take this perk once for each 4 points of quickness you possess.
Prerequisite: Quickness 4

Be Quick or be Dead
When you roll initiative you may sacrifice any number of combat pool dice for the turn and add a number equal to the dice sacrificed to your initiative score.
Prerequisite: Reaction 8

You may sacrifice your next initiative pass to gain an additional simple action or half-turn's worth of movement.

Battle Dancer
When you roll initiative you may sacrifice a number of combat pool dice up to your ranks in dance or athletics for the turn. For each 2 dice sacrificed in this way add 1 to your TN to be hit.

Add 1/2 your body to your ballistic or impact armor; you may take this perk twice, once for each type.

Bullet sponge
You gain 2 extra successes on damage resistance rolls vs ranged weapons whenever you roll at least one success.
Prerequisite: Body 5

Armored Like A Tank
For every 3 points of ballistic or impact armor you wear you gain 1 additional die to resist damage of the applicable type.

It's all light armor!
Add your strength to your quickness when determining whether you incur penalties from wearing armor.
Prerequisite: Strength 5

Shielded Confidence
Gain 2 Bonus Pool dice as long as your shields are up.

Once per session, damage that would kill you instead leaves you 2 boxes short of a deadly wound.
Prerequisite: Body or Willpower 6

When you receive a deadly physical wound you may spend good karma to recover your health. Each point of good karma spent restores 2 boxes of damage. Upon activating this perk you receive an immediate bonus phase, and your dice pools are refreshed. You add +10 to your reaction for the remainder of the encounter. You may forgo activation of your Endure perk (and perhaps use it later) in order to allow Phoenix to activate.
Prerequisite: Endure, Lucky, Bonus Dice perk, Good at this

Ineffable Quietude
Your quietude is no longer effable.
Prerequisite: Effervescent concordance

You've done extra work with a group, donating time and effort, or perhaps even Karma.
Raise your reputation with a faction by 1 step
Prerequisite: Compatible Ethics

Lucky Strike
You may spend 1 KP to gain a bonus to your combat pool equal to your total karma pool for the remainder of the turn.

High Life
For each step above middle you keep your lifestyle you gain 2 Bonus Pool dice

Low Life
For each step below middle you keep your lifestyle you gain 1 point of ballistic or impact armor.

You gain 2 additional dice on social skill rolls for each step above middle that you keep your lifestyle.
Prerequisite: High Life

You gain 1 additional die on damage, disease and poison resistance tests for each point below middle you keep your lifestyle.
Prerequisite: Low Life

For every 2 points of your investigation skill, increase the lowest of your etiquette, pistols, computers, or (unarmed martial art) skills by 1 point. May be applied retroactively.

For every 2 points of your charisma score, increase the lowest of your etiquette, dance, negotiations, or stealth skills by 1. Retroactive.

For every 2 points of your stealth skill, increase the lowest of your athletics, digital stealth, edged weapons or thrown weapon skills by 1. Retroactive.

For every 2 points of your strength score, increase the lowest of your Melee weapons, (unarmed martial art skill), intimidation, or athletics skills. Retroactive.

Special Specialization
Choose a skill specialization; whenever you increase the stat that specialization is linked to, increase the specialization by one rank, up to the maximum 13. May be taken multiple times.

Mystery Perk
You may spend 1 point of good karma at any time to replace this perk with another one you qualify for.

Try Squinting!
When there are visibility modifiers, you may attempt a perception test vs a TN of 8. Each success reduces your visibility modifier by 1 for the duration of the turn. This is a free action which may be attempted once per phase, multiple successes are cumulative.

Your strong mind and knowledge of magic help you to resist spells.
You gain additional dice on resistance tests against spells equal to your (Intelligence+Willpower)/4.
Prerequisite: Mental stats ≥12, knowledge magic 5 or received a deadly wound from magic.

Clarity of Sight
You may subtract 1/2 of your essence(round down) from your visibility modifiers.
Prerequisite: Not available to vampires

Clarity of Mind
You may subtract 1/2 of your essence(round down) from TN modifiers affecting your mind, such as from fear or confusion.
Prerequisite: Not available to vampires

Wholeness of Body
When you roll body for a damage resistance, disease resistance, or recovery test, you may roll additional dice equal to 1/2 your essence.
Prerequisite: Not available to vampires

Intense training
Raise one of your attributes by 1, but not above your race's starting maximum. May be taken multiple times.

Purity of Soul
Whenever you gain enough good karma to increase your karma pool, increase your lowest attribute by 1. If multiple attributes are tied for lowest, you may choose which to increase. This Benefit is not retroactive.
Prerequisite: Essence 6

Stepwise Progress
Increase your lowest-ranked active skill, and lowest-ranked knowledge skill by 1 point each time your perks hit a multiple of 3 (3perks, 6perks, etc). If multiple skills are tied for lowest rank you may choose which to increase. This benefit is not retroactive.
Prerequisite: 6 or more active skills

Revolutionary Evolution
For every 4 perks you possess, including this one, increase a stat of your choice by 1. This benefit continues with the acquisition of future perks.
Prerequisite: Purity of Soul, Stepwise Progress

Social Perks 

Sailor Krypton
Small changes to your appearance can be enough to constitute a disguise. You can also disguise yourself more quickly than normal. Roll stealth vs TN 6 and divide 60 seconds by the number of successes
Prerequisite: Charisma or Stealth 6

Add your charisma to the TN to pierce your disguises

Method Acting
Your disguises also disguise your aura. This doesn't change the nature of your aura or signatures, but can make them appear to be different (a mage is still a mage, but a different mage)
Prerequisite: ACTING!, Sailor Krypton

I know a Guy
You may spend 1 KP and roll a charisma check to gain a contact relevant to some portion of the current adventure. The TN of the check depends on the obscurity, status, and level of the contact
Prerequisite: Charisma or Etiquette 6

I know this guy
You may spend 1KP to roll a charisma check against another character's willpower to have established a previous friendly relationship with that character. Successes indicate how friendly the relationship is and how well you know each other. The GM will come up with a backstory to fit the story and situation. Situational modifiers may apply.
Prerequisite: Charisma or Etiquette 7

You may roll your charisma as a supplement to your social skill rolls

Black Widow/ Ladykiller
You gain +1 to the power of your attacks vs members of the opposite sex, and +1 die on your social rolls against them

Confirmed Bachelor/ Cherchez La Femme
You gain +1 to the power of your attacks vs members of the same sex, and +1 die on your social rolls against them

Dangerous beauty
Roll an opposed check between your charisma and your opponent's willpower. Each net success that you make imposes a +1 TN penalty on most of your opponent's tests. Your opponent must be able to see you, and you suffer a +1 TN penalty for each opponent you are keeping distracted in this way. This penalty overlaps with any caused by obscurement. Initiating this ability is a simple action.
Prerequisite: Charisma 6, Dance 6 or Negotiations 6

Stare Down
As a complex action you may make a charisma check opposed by your target's choice of stats. If you win, your target flees for a number of phases equal to your net successes or until attacked. Thereafter your target has a TN penalty equal to your net successes for a number of turns equal to your charisma score. Targets under the effect of Stare Down may not be effected by Stare Down, nor can a target be affected by Stare Down more than once per encounter.
Prerequisite: Charisma 8 or Intimidate 6, Sorcery, Engineering, or weapon skill 8

You're exceptionally good at noticing lies
You may spend 1 KP to roll an intelligence test against a TN of your target's intelligence. If you achieve a success you know whether a statement that the target just made is a lie. This ability does not detect half-truths, or falsehoods the subject believes to be true. Furthermore, if you achieve a number of successes equal to half the target's intelligence, you get an idea of the target's attitude towards you (hostile, friendly, scared), and the motive for the lie.

Cold Reading
Through an amazing combination of empathy and deduction you are able to notice patterns in a subject and tease bits of information out of them subconsciously.
During the course of a conversation with a living subject, you may spend 1KP to roll intelligence or charisma against a target number of the subject's willpower. The subject resists this by rolling willpower against the lower of your intelligence or charisma. If you gain net successes then each of those successes may be used to give you a decent guess (3/6) about a specific piece of information the subject consciously knows (such as address or computer password) or to shore up the validity of a guess by 1/6 up to a maximum of 5/6. If the subject gains net successes, your wheedling and scrutiny is noticed, and the subject becomes too suspicious of you to allow you to try again. This ability takes a number of minutes equal to the successes you roll; you may withhold successes to speed things up. Each additional attempt to use this perk on the same subject imposes a +2 TN modifier on your test, and grants a -2 TN modifier to your subject's resistance attempt. This is a conversation skill.
Prerequisites: Intelligence+Charisma ≥10, Investigate 4, Etiquette+Negotiations≥8, Hunch

Smooth Talker
You're able to convince people to do things that they normally wouldn't
You may spend 1 KP to make a brief statement convincing your target that a specific action is reasonable and that they should do as you say. Roll charisma against a TN of the higher of the target's intelligence or willpower. The target resists by rolling the same stat against a TN of your charisma. If you have net successes the target will comply. For mundane or somewhat reasonable uses of this ability, the target will notice nothing amiss. Targets convinced to do highly unusual things will realize their mistake after a number of turns equal to your net successes, or if someone points it out to them. This ability may be used on multiple targets simultaneously, but charisma dice must be divided between them. Targets asked to do highly self-destructive actions treat their attribute as doubled for both the success and resistance tests. Targets cannot be convinced to perform actions which are suicidal or strongly contrary to their natures.

Weapon and Martial Arts Perks
This is her most favorite gun

Gun Kata
You may use pistols as a supplement to dodge tests
Prerequisite: Pistols 6, quickness 5

High Noon
Add half of your pistol skill to your reaction score

You may emulate burst fire by dual wielding pistols, you treat your two weapons as one, and do not suffer the normal two-weapon fighting drawbacks while using this perk.
Prerequisite: High Noon

Trigger Happy
You may emulate Full-auto by dual wielding pistols, you treat your two weapons as one, and do not suffer the normal two-weapon fighting drawbacks while using this perk. You may also treat semi-automatic firearms as though they had the burst-fire option.
Prerequisite: Gunslinger

Focused Fire
When firing in burst-fire or full-auto, you may take a penalty to your weapon skill (also limiting spendable combat pool) to cancel an equal amount of recoil penalties visibility modifiers, or wound modifiers.
Prerequisite: Trigger Happy

This is my most favorite gun
Choose a particular weapon; you receive +2 dice to all checks pertaining to that weapon. If the weapon is ever lost or destroyed you may pay 1 good karma (and X nuyen) to replace it.You must go through appropriate mourning of the old weapon and attachment to the new weapon during downtime. May be taken multiple times if you're polyamorous.
prerequisite: Weapon must be named and likely inscribed

Personal Firepower
Add 2 to the power of your favorite weapon. If you have taken This is my most favorite gun multiple times, this bonus applies to each of them.
Prerequisite: This is my most favorite gun

Bullet Witch
When using your favorite gun, you may spend 1 KP to have the bullets from your next attack deal elemental blast damage, rather than ballistic damage. This renders ballistic armor only half as effective as normal against the attack, and allows you to strike targets not normally affected by normal weapons. Defenses against elemental damage still apply.
Prerequisite: This is my most favorite gun (weapon), Good at this(Weapon Skill), Weapon Skill 8, Essence 6

Improved Searching fire
You may choose to use burst, or full-auto to reduce the TN to hit your target on a 2:1 basis (round down). Thus, a three-round burst could grant a -1 TN modifier, or 10 rounds worth of  full-auto could grant a -5 bonus. The value of your bonus to hit cannot be more than half of your weapon skill. The dodge TN, power and damage code of your attack remain at their single-shot values.

Heavy Rain
You've attained true full-auto mastery.
When Using full-auto you may choose to add 1/3rd of your weapon skill either to the base power of your attack, or to the number of dice rolled for resolving your suppressive fire attempts, in the latter-case treating targets as though they'd been exposed to more bullets.
Prerequisite: Improved Searching fire, Break Shot, Good at this (firearm)

Break Shot
You've learned to fire very tightly controlled bursts for maximum penetration against hard targets.
You may choose to use bullets of burst fire to increase the base power of your attack while leaving the damage code and dodge TNs unchanged. Firing a burst in this way is a complex action.

Sonic Draw
You may quick-draw normally weapons without need of a check and concealed ones at the normal TN. When you quick draw weapons you may make a (weapon skill) 8 test; each success grants you one extra die on your attack.
Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 8, Reaction 8

Lightning Draw
You may draw and holster concealed weapons as a free action without need of a check, and may use slight of hand to conceal a weapon even while being observed (though people will probably still think you have them). You may also use slight of hand when drawing a weapon (hides the draw, not that you have it out), and receive a flat bonus on either check equal to one half of the relevant weapon skill. You may draw or holster weapons even out of turn.
Prerequisite: Sonic Draw

You can force your opponents to dance away from your hail of gunfire.
As a complex action you may choose a living opponent as your target and make a ranged attack test with any ranged weapon capable of at least a semi-automatic rate of fire. The base TN for this test is the average of your target's quickness and willpower. Your target resists this by making a dodge test as normal with available combat pool dice. Your attack does not damage the target, but each net success you achieve forces your target to immediately move 1 meter directly away from you. If you achieve net successes equal to half the  target's quickness you may force the target prone at the end of it's movement. This movement cannot force a target into an immediate hazard, such as a cliff or lava pit, nor will this technique work on targets which cannot be damaged by your weapon. This ability requires and expends a number of shots equal to the dice you roll.
Prerequisite: High Noon, Charisma 6 or Intimidate 6

Weapon Handling
Your strength and body are considered to be 4 points higher for the purposes of handling weapons; ex: carrying heavy weapons or resisting damage from firing them unaided, recoil. May be taken multiple times.

For every four points you have in the energy weapons skill you gain one additional initiative die, these dice overlap with any granted by spells or cyberware.

You can interrupt the flow of events with blinding speed.
Once per turn, during another character's action you may spend 1KP and make a (weapon skill) test vs that character's current initiative, followed by an opposed reaction roll. If you succeeded on both tests you may immediately draw a weapon and make a single attack against your target before they are able to complete their action. If you failed the reaction roll, your attack and your target's action resolve simultaneously.
Prerequisite: Blazing Speed, High Noon, Iaijutsu, and Lightning Draw

Warning Shot
Declare that you are using warning shot and make an attack normally, including the target's damage resistance test if applicable. The target does not take damage however, but is instead cowed by fear. Targets that would have received a light, moderate, or serious wound take a 1,2,or 3 point penalty to their actions as long as they remain within your attack range and you choose to hold them at bay. Targets that would have suffered a deadly wound will surrender, freeze or flee similarly at your command, though this effect is broken if your target is attacked. You suffer a +2 TN modifier due to distraction for each target you are holding at bay. Obviously this works better with ranged weapons. Does not function if target's shields are up.
Prerequisite: Good at this (weapon skill), Charisma 8 or Intimidate 5

Concussive Shot
You can knock enemies down and deal stun damage with normal bullets. Roll your attack normally with a +2 TN modifier. The weapons base damage code is reduced by one step, but the weapon deals stun rather than physical damage. Targets struck by this attack must roll a second damage resistance test to avoid being knocked down, needing a number of successes equal to half of the attack's to remain standing.
Prerequisite: Firearm skill 6

Cinematic Reload
You may reload magazine-fed weapons as a non-action at the beginning or end of your phase. Ammunition with an availability lower than your firearm skill may be deducted from your funds in realtime as you are considered to be carrying enough on you at any time.
Prerequisite: Good at this (firearm), Quickness or firearm skill 8

Telling Blow
Spend 1 KP and make a (weapon skill) roll vs a target's armor rating. Each success adds 1 power and 1 die to your next attack, simple action.
Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 8

Add ½ your edged weapons skill rank to your reaction.

Kung-fu Conditioning
While wearing no armor, or armor with a combined ballistic plus impact rating equal to or less than your unarmed martial arts skill, you may add 1/2 of your unarmed martial arts skill to your impact and ballistic armor ratings.

Like a piece of iron
Spend 1 KP to add your melee skill to your impact armor for one turn
Prerequisite: Melee skill 6

The sword is not my only weapon
You may employ the techniques you have learned in your unarmed style while fighting with a specific melee weapon.
Prerequisite: This is my most favorite gun (melee weapon)

Power Charge
You can spend an action getting charged up!
As a complex action you may make a (weapon skill) test vs TN 7. You are obviously amped-up and virtually seethe with martial focus. The next attack you make, which must be your next action, has its power increased by your number of successes.
Prerequisite: Weapon skill 7

Stealth Perks

Your Mastery of stealth is truly phenomenal.
You may add your ranks in stealth to your open rolls to conceal yourself. This bonus is reduced by 2/3rds(round down) if combined with magical or technological  stealth bonuses.
Prerequisite: Quickness 6, Stealth 6, I fold myself into the wind

Rakish Charm
While engaged in conversation with another character you may make a stealth check vs a TN of that character's intelligence. Every two successes grant you a -1 TN modifier on your next social roll against that character. Each subsequent use of this ability has a cumulative +1 TN modifier on the initial check.
Prerequisite: Stealth 6, Charisma 5, any Charisma skill 5

Be it through bluffing, sleight of hand, or some other means of deceit, you can place people at a disadvantage.
As a complex action, make a stealth check against a TN equal to an opponent's intelligence. That opponent resists by rolling intelligence against a TN of ½ your stealth ranks. If you have net successes equal to at least ½ your opponent's intelligence, then that opponent suffers a +2 penalty on checks made directly against you for a number of checks equal to your successes, or a number of turns equal to your charisma, whichever comes first. Opponents must make a perception check against a TN of your (Intelligence+ Stealth) to notice anything is amiss before things start going wrong)
Prerequisite: Rakish Charm

Art of Illusion
With props, improvisation, and guile you can put on fairly elaborate distractions, and trick people into perceiving false stimuli.
As a complex action, you may spend 1 KP and roll stealth vs TN 4 to convince people of a small false stimulus, such as a particular noise or voice coming from somewhere, the appearance of yourself or another person where they're not, or any other such minor trick of the senses amounting to a person-sized distraction. Observers roll perception against a TN of ½ your stealth, needing more net successes to avoid being fooled. You can only try to trick observers you are aware of, and each additional observer increases your TN by 1. Your distraction lasts a number of turns equal to your charisma, or until investigated. This does work on machines, and can be done from stealth.
Prerequisite: Misdirection

You can muddle the memories and perceptions of others.
As a complex action you may spend 1 KP to roll stealth supplemented by etiquette against a TN of an opponent's willpower; the opponent resists by rolling willpower vs a TN of 1/2 your stealth. If you achieve a threshold of 1/2 the opponent's willpower, you can cause them to misremember the details of a particular memory. Each time the subject is confronted with the falseness of the memory, the TN of the resistance test is reduced by one, and a new resistance test is made against your original successes. This is a conversation skill.
Prerequisite: Misdirection, Etiquette 6

Thieves' Cant
You may convey hidden messages to others while disguising them as normal conversation.
Roll etiquette vs a TN of 10 minus your intended recipient's intelligence to successfully convey your intended meaning. With one success indicating that you convey that you had a hidden meaning, two conveying the gist of it, and three conveying exactly what you meant. Observers other than your intended target must make perception checks vs a TN of your stealth+charisma in order to notice anything amiss, with multiple successes granting similar insight into the content of your message.
Prerequisite: Stealth 5, Etiquette 5, Charisma+Intelligence ≥ 8

Sneak Attack
When making a melee attack against an unaware opponent, you may choose to resolve it using ranged combat rules, meaning you are not subject to immediate counterattack, and damage stages differently.
Prerequisite: Stealth 6, Stalker, Melee Skill 5

You are able to silence the immediate noises from victims of your attacks (though not any subsequent noises they might make). You gain +2 to your base stalker bonus.
Prerequisite: Stalker, Sneak Attack, Graceful

When you attack an unaware opponent from stealth at close range, add ½ your stealth ranks to the power of your attack.
Prerequisite: Stealth 8, Sneak Attack

I fold myself into the wind
When you roll an open test for stealth you may add 1d6 to your result

Silent Running
When you roll an open test for digital stealth you may add 1d6  to your result

Slippery mind
You get a second chance at a failed will roll 1 unit of time later. In combat this would be a turn, outside combat it would depend on the nature of the scene.
Prerequisite: Willpower 5 or Stealth 7

Clouded Soul
You're difficult to find even by magical means.
Add 1/2 your ranks in stealth to your opposed or resistance tests against magical detection spells and powers.
Prerequisite: Method Acting, Slippery Mind, Stalker

You add 1/2 your ranks in stealth to the TN for finding a digital trace against you, and 1/2 your ranks in Digital Stealth to your base Stalker bonus when hiding from machines.
Prerequisite: Stalker, Silent Running, Digital Stealth 6

Nothing up my sleeves
You add your ranks in stealth to the TN to spot concealed objects on your person through passive observation, and ½ of your ranks in stealth to the TN to find them through active searches.
Prerequisite: Stealth 6, Quickness 6 or ACTING!

Where the hell were you keeping that?
Choose 1 specific weapon you own which normally has no concealability. That weapon now has a concealability of 2 when handled by you. You must pay 1KP each time you conceal the weapon or draw it from concealment. No one really wants to know where you were keeping it.
Prerequisite: Good at this (weapon skill), Nothing up my sleeves, This is my most favorite gun (weapon)

Rogue's Arsenal
A scoundrel is never unprepared.
You may spend 1KP to roll stealth Vs TN 6, each success allows you to produce a knife, sap, throwing knife, shuriken, or mini-grenade from somewhere on your person. Attempting this in a secured area increases the TN to 12. These items can't be sold or stashed.
Prerequisite: I would have remembered that, Nothing Up my sleeves, Thief

Agile Rogue
You're slippery as an eel, and move like a monkey.
When you are attacked in melee you may choose to roll stealth supplemented by athletics. If you do this, you may add combat pool normally, but may not counterattack your opponent. Instead, if you win, you avoid the attack and move away from your opponent a number of meters equal to your net successes.
Prerequisite:Stalker, Graceful, Stealth 6, Athletics 4, Unarmed Skill 4

Tangle Up
You can tangle opponents in their clothing or bits of your own.
Roll stealth in place of your unarmed skill when attacking or attacked, if you succeed, you don't deal damage, but pull bits of your opponent's attire out-of-place, over their eyes, or into awkward positions, or even tie them up in cast-off bits of what you were wearing, imposing a TN penalty equal to your net successes. At your choice, this can be either a vision modifier, or a penalty to physical actions. Opponents may take a simple action to roll Quickness, Intelligence, or Strength against an unmodified TN equal to the penalty, with each success reducing it by one.
Prerequisite: Agile Rogue

Hot Pocket
You can deftly plant grenades on your opponents!
When you make an unarmed attack, you may choose to forgo staging the damage, and deal only (Strength)L stun damage. In doing so, you plant the grenade on your opponent. Your opponent makes a perception test equal to your Stealth Rank+ Net successes to notice, and may fish it out with a Quickness (6) test. You may use your net successes either to stage the damage of the grenade, or to increase the TN of the quickness test. In either case, the grenade explodes at the end of your next action, or your opponent's next action, whichever comes last. You can attempt this as a reaction when attacked in melee, but suffer a +2 TN modifier on your unarmed test. You can also use this skill to plant things other than grenades, but such objects don't explode, so there's no point.
Prerequisite: Nothing up my sleeves, Tangle up, Stealth 6, Unarmed 6

Knave's Heart
A scoundrel's heart guards its blood.
You've spent so much time keeping yourself alive that your fight-or flight mechanism has become a part of your toolkit. You do not suffer wound modifiers to stealth checks, and gain bonus dice on stealth checks equal to your current wound modifiers.
Prerequisite: Stealth 5, Intelligence or Willpower 5

Feign Death
You can trick your enemies into believing you've died, allowing you to make good your escape!
When you roll a damage resistance test, you may make an immediate disguise roll to seem either dead or unconscious. When initiative is next rolled, or when combat ends, you may make a stealth roll to hide yourself or sneak away. If you instead decide to continue your ruse, you may remain limp and motionless where you've fallen. You can slow your breathing and heart-rate to fool untrained observers, but anyone who examines you closely may roll biotech against a TN of your stealth skill rank to notice that you're alive, or against a TN of your Stealth+Intelligence to notice that you're feigning unconsciousness.
Prerequisite: Knave's Heart

Kawarimi (Ninja Log)
If an attack would push you to a deadly wound, you may pay 1 KP to roll your stealth dice for additional successes against the attack's initial dodge or resistance TN. If this allows you to survive the attack, you may make an immediate open stealth test to hide, and may move according to your full run multiplier. If you escape undetected, anyone who examines the area of your “death” finds a piece of your clothing draped over a similarly sized object such as an inflatable doll, a chair, or a log. This near-death experience shakes up your nerves, and for the next 12 hours you suffer a +6 TN penalty to any checks not immediately related to fleeing from danger.
Prerequisite: Feign Death, Rogues Arsenal, Ninja

Racial and Metatype Perks

Magic Attunement
You may spend 1 KP to gain the dual-natured type for 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Fey, Catgirl, or Vampire

Fey Perks

Faerie Magic
You learn a spell of your choice with a force equal to your essence. You may roll essence in place of sorcery if you don't possess the skill, but otherwise deal with casting and drain normally.
Prerequisite: Fey

Fey Skin
Your magical heritage protects you from physical harm. You add 1/2 your essence to your ballistic and impact armor ratings.
Prerequisite: Fey

Fey Aura
Your magical heritage protects you from magical harm as well. You subtract 1/2 your essence from the power of hostile spells affecting you.
Prerequisite: Faerie Magic, Fey Skin

I'm Big!
You are capable of assuming a human-sized form, with or without wings. You may spend 1 KP to transform, with the altered form lasting until the next dawn or dusk. You may revert to your natural form as a free action.
Prerequisite: Pixie, Faerie Magic

Greater Invisibility
You gain improved invisibility as an innate spell.
Prerequisite: Pixie, Faerie Magic

Fey Power
Your essence is considered to be 2 points higher for the purposes of calculating your fey perks and abilities.
Prerequisite: Fey

Catgirl Perks

Nine Lives
Add 1/2 your essence to your karma and combat pools.
Prerequisite: Catgirl, Lucky

Cats always land on their feet
Add dice equal to 1/2 your essence to your athletics and dance tests. You gain immunity to falling damage as a critter power.
Prerequisite: Catgirl, Athletics 5

Vampire Perks

When you drink a creature's blood you may gain access to it's memories.
When you drink blood from a creature (a complex action which requires an unresisting target) you may make an opposed test between your essence and the creature's willpower. If you score net successes you may compare your results to the Mind Probe table on P.193 SR3 to see what you can learn. You must however "buy" your questions by paying for them with an appropriate number of successes. Thus, a vampire with 6 net successes could view 2 conscious memories or one hidden one. This ability may only be used on a target either once per adventure or once per week, whichever is longer.
Prerequisite: Vampire

When you drink a creature's blood, you touch it's mind, and can forge a permanent link.
When you drink blood from a creature you form a telepathic bond with it allowing the two of you to exchange thoughts, regardless of distance, for a number of hours equal to your essence. If you pay 1 point of good karma during the bond's initial duration, you may later pay 1KP to reestablish it at any time. In either case, you cannot "eavesdrop" on the target's thoughts, nor is it compelled to respond to you, though you can feel that the connection exists. It is likely that means exist to break this bond.
Prerequisite: Vampire

Add 1/2 your essence to your reaction and to your combat pool.
Prerequisite: Vampire

Stories in the Blood
Sometimes you are able to pick up valuable skills from the blood of others. When you take this perk, you may increase a skill of your choice by 1 point for free. During any month in which you use your blood-drain ability on a living target, reduce the multiplier for improving your skills by .5 (minimum .5)
Prerequisite: Vampire, Lifedrinker

Elves always make the cover
Elf Perks

Aura Sensitive
You gain 1 rank of aura reading, and may thereafter raise the skill normally. You may assense targets you can see by rolling Aura Reading directly (rather than as a supplement) even if not awakened or able to perceive astrally.
Prerequisite: Elf, Essence ≥5

Elven Glamor
You're precisely the kind of glamorous elven shadowrunner that elven stereotypes are based on. As long as the total ballistic+impact values of your armor pieces are less than half your charisma you gain +1 power to your attacks and +1 die on social rolls.
Prerequisite: Elf

Dwarf Perks

Magic Resistance
When resisting magical effects using either body or willpower, you may roll one as a supplement to the other.
Prerequisite: Dwarf

Toxin resistance
You may add dice equal to your willpower to your resistance tests against poisons and drugs.
Prerequisite: Dwarf

Ork Perks

Gritty Soul
Your essence is treated as 1 higher for purposes of calculating essence loss or bio-index from cyber/bioware.
Prerequisite: Orc

Orcish Grit
You may reduce the damage you receive from an attack by 1 box a number of times per day equal to ½ your essence (round down).
Prerequisite: Orc

Troll Perks

Fearsome Presence
You may supplement your interaction rolls with strength.
Prerequisite: Troll

Hulk Smash!
As a free action you may roll a melee weapon skill test against a tn equal to the barrier rating of an object. Each success allows you to treat the barrier rating as one lower when you attack the barrier with the melee skill.
Prerequisite: Troll

Shapeshifter Perks

You have finer control of your shapeshifting abilities, and may transform only partially if you choose.  You also find it easier to integrate your advancements. Non-magical increases to your physical stats apply to both your human and animal forms. This applies principally to perks, backgrounds and karma-based stat purchases.
Prerequisite: Shapeshifter

Your refinement of your shapeshifting abilities has trained your body to accept limited bioware.
You may buy up to 3 points of cultured bioware. Stat bonuses apply to both forms.
Prerequisite: Shapeshifter, Hybridization

Drow Perks
Drow qualify for these perks in addition to elven ones.

Improved Magical Talent
You gain a -1 TN bonus for drain resistance tests
Prerequisite: Drow

Improved Spell Resistance
The target number penalty for hostile spells targeting you is increased to +2, and you gain a -1 bonus to spell resistance TNs.
Prerequisite: Drow
Drow Nobility
You gain +1 die for illusion and control manipulation spells. When you learn such spells, you learn them at 1 force higher than you normally would.
Prerequisite: (Intelligence + Charisma) ≥ 10, Drow

Cyberware and Bioware Perks

Mana hole
The target numbers of spells targeting you are increased by half the essence value of your cyberware (round down, min 1).
prerequisite: cyberware with essence value ≥1

Augmented fitness 
Your bio-sculpted and genetically engineered body performs above expectations in unexpected ways. Gain a +1 to a skill other than your 2 highest-ranked skills for each point of bio-index you possess.(round to nearest whole number).

Each of your cyber-implants is fine-tuned to contribute to your effectiveness.
Increase a skill of your choice by one point for each 2 points of the essence value of your cyberware (round down).

Adaptable system
Your body takes to implants better than most.
Reduce the essence cost of cyberware you take by 10%. Effects existing and future cyberware.
Prerequisite: Body 5

Body of Steel
Add the essence value of your cyberware to your ballistic and impact armor ratings. Subtract half of your cyberware value from the power of poisons used against you.
Prerequisite: Cyberware value 2, body 5

Integrated Shields
You've created a nano-interface between your shields and your body's cybersystems.
Your shields receive additional dice equal to your body on damage resistance tests.
Prerequisite: .9 essence points worth of cyberware.

Magic Perks

Spirit on call
Choose a particular type of spirit or elemental; you are considered to have a spirit of that type with a force equal to ½ your magic and 1 service on standby whenever you reasonably could have summoned it (must be in the proper domain for nature spirits, must have passsed through the proper domain during the current half of the day for greater form nature spirits) May be taken multiple times

Favorite Spell
Gain +2 dice when casting a specific spell you know

When multicasting you gain 2 extra spellpool dice, and your drain Target numbers are reduced by 1

Arms of Vishnu
When you multicast at different targets your multicaster benefit applies per target rather than simply once. Extra dice must be used on the targets that generated them.
Prerequisite: Multicaster, Master Caster

When you initiate you learn a new spell of your choice at a force equal to your new magic score

When you initiate you may bind to a focus with a force equal to your new initiate grade without paying the karma cost

Efficient Initiator
Subtract 0.5 from your initiation cost modifier

Vitruvian Adept
You have learned to use the magic which suffuses your being to perfect your mind and body.
Increase any ability score by 1 whenever you initiate
Prerequisite: Adept

Efficient Caster
Choose a spell you know with a power ≥ 6. When you cast that spell at a force of ½ your magic or less, reduce the drain's power by one level. This can eliminate drain entirely.

Master Caster
Choose a spell you know at a force of ≥ 10. When you cast that spell, each 3 points by which you reduce the force reduce the drain code by 1 level. This can eliminate drain entirely.
Prerequisite: Efficient Caster

Whenever you initiate, karma equal to your initiation cost is added to your ally spirit. This will create one if none exists, though you must be eligible to create an ally spirit.

Add 1 to the force of any spirit you summon, this does not affect your summoning or drain tests. Furthermore, you gain a spirit pool with dice equal to your (Initiate Grade+ Charisma)/2. Spirit pool dice may be used wherever a spirit focus could.

Spirit Link
You may instantly establish verbal contact with any of your spirits in the field, regardless of distance, but must resist (Force)S drain when you do so. You may sustain this effect as though it were a spell.

Spirit Leader
You may use your spellpool and spirit pool dice to augment tasks performed by your conjured spirits and elementals. You may give a spirit a number of bonus dice towards a task equal to your initiate grade (min 1).

Mind Charge
You can spend an action getting charged up!
As a complex action you may make a sorcery test vs TN 7. You literally glow with magical energy proportionate to your number of successes and prominently display arcane symbols or your shamanic mask. The next spell you cast, which must be your next action, has its power increased by your number of successes. This does not affect your drain.
Prerequisite: Sorcery 7

Spirit Gun
You have learned to project your force of personality when fighting astral opponents. You can project an astrally visible beam of will.
You may make a ranged attack against a target within line of sight by rolling your charisma as a ranged attack skill. This attack has a base damage of (Charisma)L, and the target's willpower acts as armor against it. When you use this attack you must resist (Charisma)L stun damage yourself, using only willpower, though you may reduce the power of the attack to make this test easier. This attack only works against astrally active opponents. Sufficiently determined mundanes may learn this.
Prerequisite: Magic 6 or Knowledge(Magic) 5, Knowledge(Paranormal)5, Knowledge(Psychology) 5, and Intelligence+Willpower+Charisma ≥ 13

Engineer Perks

Extra Specialization
You may start a new specialization path. May be taken multiple times.

You may use tech powers at up to 1.5 times the rating of your omni-tool, but doing so adds 2 to the cooldown code

Massive Overclocking
You may use tech powers at up to 2x your omni-tool rating, but doing so adds 3 to the cooldown code
Prerequisite: Bastion, overclocking

Certified Genius!
Your Intelligence increases by one whenever you complete a certification path.

Area Shield
you may extend your shields into a bubble of up to (Rating) meters, conferring their benefits on those within.
Prerequisite: Shield specialist

Force field
You can divert your shield energy to create a solid disk of force at a distance of up to your rating in meters. The rating of the force field is deducted from the rating and resiliency of your shields. It's radius can be up to its rating.
Prerequisite: Shield specialist

Your fires inspire a great deal of panic..
When you set a target on fire they take a target number penalty equal to your number of Demolitionist certs to do anything other than extinguish the flames until they take a complex action to extinguish the flames (quickness TN=certs).

You are treated as though you had one more cert in a particular specialization. May be taken once per specialization.

You can boost 2 of a mech's attributes by up to your Rating for up to (rating) turns. The mech must then however resist (rating) S damage using its normal body and tech pool.
Prerequisite: Botsmaster

Fire control
You may use combat pool dice through linked VIs in addition to tech pool dice.

Shadow Leader:
The engineer's tactical cloak tech ability may affect one other target per cert as long as they remain within (Omni-tool Rating) meters of the engineer.
Prerequisite: Infiltrator Certification

Tech Charge
You can spend an action getting charged up!
As a complex action you may make an engineering test vs TN 7. Your omnitool glows while manifested and you are surrounded by combat analysis and telemetry holograms. The next tech ability you use, which must be your next action, has its power increased by your number of successes. This does not affect your cooldown.
Prerequisite: Engineering 7

Hardware Optimization
Whenever you complete a certification path, your Omnitool Rating Increases by 1.

You add your number of botsmaster certifications to your perception dice when perceiving through mechs.
Prerequisite: Botsmaster

VI Perks

Roaming Resident
Mech can link to a number of other systems equal to its rating, otherwise gains benefits of being a resident

Expert Resident
The resident can boost 1 additional attribute of linked mechs and grant 2 additional skills