Change log

This section is currently out-of-date, and likely to be replaced.

Added new rules to the Digital Trace Section

Added new Perks

New Perks.
Smooth Talker
You're able to convince people to do things that they normally wouldn't
You may spend 1 KP to make a brief statement convincing your target that a specific action is reasonable and that they should do as you say. Roll charisma against a TN of the higher of the target's intelligence or willpower. The target resists by rolling the same stat against a TN of your charisma. If you have net successes the target will comply. For mundane or somewhat reasonable uses of this ability, the target will notice nothing amiss. Targets convinced to do highly unusual things will realize their mistake after a number of turns equal to your net successes, or if someone points it out to them. This ability may be used on multiple targets simultaneously, but charisma dice must be divided between them. Targets asked to do highly self-destructive actions treat their attribute as doubled for both the success and resistance tests. Targets cannot be convinced to perform actions which are suicidal or strongly contrary to their natures.

Integrated Shields
You've created a nano-interface between your shields and your body's cybersystems.
Your shields receive additional dice equal to your body on damage resistance tests.
Prerequisite: .9 essence points worth of cyberware.

Master Plan
During the course of a mission you have a floating pool of dice equal to your intelligence. You may add these dice to individual skill or attribute rolls as the mission progresses. The maximum number of dice that can be added to a given roll equals ½ of your intelligence or half of the base roll being augmented, whichever is lower.
Prerequisite: Master's gambit

Master Fortune
Add (Charisma + Willpower)/3 to your karma pool.
Prerequisite: Moxie, Lucky, Cha+Wil ≥ 12   

Concussive Shot
You can deal stun damage with normal bullets. Roll your attack normally with a +1 TN modifier. The weapons base damage code is reduced by one step, but the weapon deals stun rather than physical damage.
Prerequisite: Firearm skill 6

Cinematic Reload
You may reload magazine-fed weapons as a non-action at the beginning or end of your phase. Ammunition with an availability lower than your firearm skill may be deducted from your funds in realtime as you are considered to be carrying enough on you at any time.
Prerequisite: Good at this (firearm), Quickness or firearm skill 8

Faerie Magic
You learn a spell of your choice with a force equal to your essence. You may roll essence in place of sorcery if you don't possess the skill, but otherwise deal with casting and drain normally.
Prerequisite: Fey

Fey Skin
Your magical heritage protects you from physical harm. You add 1/2 your essence to your ballistic and impact armor ratings. This bonus does not apply against ferrous weapons.
Prerequisite: Fey

Fey Aura
Your magical heritage protects you from magical harm as well. You subtract 1/2 your essence from the power of hostile spells affecting you.
Prerequisite: Faerie Magic, Fey Skin

I'm Big!
You are capable of assuming a human-sized form, with or without wings. You may spend 1 KP to transform, with the altered form lasting until the next dawn or dusk. You may revert to your natural form as a free action.
Prerequisite: Pixie, Faerie Magic

Nine Lives
Add 1/2 your essence to your karma and combat pools.
Prerequisite: Catgirl, Lucky

Cats always land on their feet
Add dice equal to 1/2 your essence to your athletics and dance tests. You gain immunity to falling damage as a critter power.
Prerequisite: Catgirl, Athletics 5

Magic Attunement
You may spend 1 KP to gain the dual-natured type for 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Fey, Catgirl, or Vampire

Add 1/2 your essence to your reaction and to your combat pool.
Prerequisite: Vampire

Stories in the Blood
Sometimes you are able to pick up valuable skills from the blood of others. Increase a skill of your choice by 1 point. During any month in which you use your blood-drain ability on a living target, reduce the multiplier for improving your skills by .5 (minimum .5)
Prerequisite: Vampire, Lifedrinker

Your strong mind and knowledge of magic help you to resist spells
You gain additional dice on resistance tests against spells equal to the average of your mental stats.
Prerequisite: Mental stats ≥12, knowledge magic 5 or received a deadly wound from magic.

Mana hole
The target numbers of spells targeting you are increased by half the essence value of your cyberware (round down, min 1).
prerequisite: cyberware with essence value ≥1

Augmented fitness 
Your bio-sculpted and genetically engineered body performs above and beyond expectations. Gain a +1 to a stat of your choice for each point of bio-index you possess minus the essence value of your cyberware (round final figure to nearest whole number).

Each of your cyber-implants is fine-tuned to contribute to your effectiveness.
Increase a skill of your choice by one point for each point of the essence value of your cyberware (round down).

Special Specialization
Choose a skill specialization; whenever you increase the stat that specialization is linked to, increase the specialization by one rank, up to the maximum 13. May be taken multiple times.

Adaptable system
Your body takes to implants better than most.
Reduce the essence cost of cyberware you take by 10%. Effects existing and future cyberware.
Prerequisite: Body 5

Body of Steel
Add the essence value of your cyberware to your ballistic and impact armor ratings. Subtract half of your cyberware value from the power of poisons used against you.
Prerequisite: Cyberware value 2, body 5

Holistic Health
You gain additional dice on damage resistance and recovery checks, as well as disease resistance checks equal to ½ of (your essence – your bio-index)

Lucky Strike
You may spend 1 kp to gain a bonus to your combat pool equal to your total karma pool for the remainder of the turn.

For every 2 points of your investigation skill, increase the lowest of your etiquette, pistols, computers, or (unarmed martial art) skills by 1 point. May be applied retroactively.

For every 2 points of your charisma score, increase the lowest of your etiquette, dance, negotiations, or stealth skills by 1. Retroactive.

For every 2 points of your stealth skill, increase the lowest of your athletics, negotiations, edged weapons or digital stealth skills. Retroactive.

For every 2 points of your strength score, increase the lowest of your Melee weapons, (unarmed martial art skill), intimidation, or athletics skills. Retroactive.

New Metamagic

New Metamagic

New Metamagic
For Mages

Mana shield
A mana shield has a rating and resilience equal to it's user's magic. Users can use spellpool dice for shield damage resistance tests. The mana shield is considered Magitech shielding. The mana shield is not vulnerable to shield-piercing bullets or electricity, but its rating and resilience are reduced by background counts. The mana shield has immunity to normal weapons as a spirit with a force equal to the mage's unaugmented magic attribute /2 (round down). A mage can restore their mana shield by taking a complex action to roll sorcery vs a target number of their own magic rating; spellpool dice may be used.
Prerequisite: Barrier

Mages with Mana shield may take the Area shield perk as though they were engineers.

Arcane Switch
You may activate or deactivate your quickened spells as though they were foci. You may have a total force of spells operable in this way equal to double your magic attribute.
Prerequisite: Quickening

Arcane Fire
You've developed a potent form of magical offense. The mage projects a blazing beam of raw magical energy. Arcane Fire may be used to attack any target within line of sight, dealing raw magic damage; it's power is equal to 1/2 the mage's magic attribute, and it's damage code is always base M. The mage uses the higher of willpower or charisma as their attack skill, and suffers only half visibility modifiers if perceiving astrally. Arcane Fire bypasses normal armor, though not shields, but is affected by the target's willpower or body as though it were armor. Arcane Fire may strike multiple targets simultaneously, but the mage must split dice between them. Arcane Fire functions as an innate spell for purposes of drain.
Prerequisite: Centering, Knowlege Magic 6, Initiate grade 2

This powerful metamagic technique allows a mage to shift her perspective in time. During her phase, the mage may spend 1 KP to change her actions after having seen their immediate outcome. Use of this ability leaves others on the battlefield with a sense of deja vu, and a feeling that the mage was going to follow her original course of action. Spent Karma Points are never restored by use of this ability. This ability may only be used once per phase, and multiple uses across a turn are considered to stack with each other for the purposes of karma pool cost.
Prerequisite: Divination

Time Stop
This arcane technique allows the mage to seemingly make time stand still. At any time the mage may spend 1 KP and make a magic attribute 10 test. Success means that the mage generates an immediate bonus phase. At the end of this phase the mage must resist 10D drain using the higher of willpower or charisma, and must make a raw magic attribute test vs. TN 5, with any failures resulting in points of temporary magic loss. Mages that have more than half of their magic score drained in this way must check for permanent magic loss, points otherwise return at a rate of 1/hour.
Prerequisite: Chronomancy metamagic, any perk capable of generating a bonus phase.

Galaxy Stop
This technique allows a mage to disrupt opponents and potentially freeze them in place. The Mage chooses a number of opponents within line of sight equal to their magic rating and rolls magic vs. TN 6. Opponents resist by rolling their high stats against the mages magic attribute; those who don't match or beat the mage skip their next initiative passes. The mage must resist (Magic)D drain using the higher of willpower or charisma, but may lower their opponent's target numbers in order to make the drain test easier.
Prerequisite: Chronomancy

For Adepts

Void Meditation

The adept sinks into a trance and contemplates the nature of reality, restoring lost focus and refreshing fortunes. The adept takes 2 hours to make a centering (6) test. Every 2 successes restore a point of spent karma pool. Individual successes may also be used to heal boxes of damage.Void meditation may be attempted once per adventure.
Prerequisite: Centering

Last Breath
Once per session the adept remains conscious and receives a bonus phase upon sustaining a deadly wound. Note that this does not remedy the deadly wound; the adept falls normally at the end of the bonus phase. Adepts with endure may forgo it's activation to allow last breath to activate.

Perfection of  Fortune
You gain a bonus to your Karma Pool equal to half of your initiate grade, and may use successes generated by void meditation to create bonus pool dice on a 1:1 basis. Unlike normal bonus pool dice however, these dice are permanently expended once used.
Prerequisite: Void Meditation.
New Engineer Paths
New Paths
1) The tactician, if he can see and communicate with allies (in person or remotely) gives each ally +certs dice to perception tests
2) The tactician gains +certs to combat pool dice to dodge/resist attacks (including melee resist) and to reaction tests for surprise
3) The tactician grants +certs dice to stealth rolls for allies he can perceive and communicate (quietly) to either in person or remotely
4) The tactician can grant +certs combat pool dice to all allies he can see and communicate with. This takes a complex action to issue tactical advice and lasts the duration of the round. They can use the dice for offense or defense
5) The tactician can allocate his own perception dice to supplement ally perception tests and can use his skills and tech pool to supplement ally tests so long as he can see and communicate with them either in person or remotely

1) Gain +certs dice to investigation checks including those which supplement perception
2) Gain +certs as a flat bonus to open perception tests to pierce stealth and disguises
3) Gain +certs perception dice to oppose digital stealth when linked to a device to detect tampering with the device
4) Gain +certs dice to overcome white noise generators, voice modulators, signal jammers and other counter security devices
5) Gains +certs dice on checks to track or pursue individuals including etiquette, drive, or parkour tests.

1) Gain +certs to all tests made to drive a vehicle you are linked to
2) Grant +certs dice to a linked vehicle you're driving to resist damage to the vehicle
3) Add 10% per cert to vehicles top speed if linked to it while driving
4) Subtract certs from target number modifiers to use weapons while driving a linked vehicle, this includes held weapons and vehicle weapons but not tech powers
5) Can ignore up to certs number of TN modifiers to driving tests incurred from damage to vehicle or traffic/road conditions but not due to effects targeting the engineer. This applies when driving a linked vehicle.