Monday, December 20, 2010

Arcadia Equipment

Essence Restoration
Arcadia has developed special techniques for restoring a creature's lost essence. This can restore essence lost for any reason, even existent cyberware, in the case of retained cyberware however, the treatment can only restore half of the essence that the cyberware cost. It is thus possible for a person to shed their cyberware and recover their essence, or keep it and recover half. Bio-index may also be reduced similarly. Cyber or bioware complicates matters however, and makes the procedure more costly.
The treatment is an in-patient procedure done at special facilities. It takes a number of days equal to twice the essence to be restored. During this time the patient is kept in an induced coma.
The availability of the service is equal to 20 minus the patient's current essence, or 16 minus essence for mages. The service is in high demand, though it can be hard to find. Special arrangements are often made.

Patient will retain no cyber or bioware:        Missing essence* x10,000¥
Patient will retain bioware:                           Missing essence  x50,000¥
Patient will retain cyberware (inc omnitool): Missing essence x100,000¥
*Missing essence is always rounded up to the nearest whole number, and in the case of patients with 'ware, is calculated according to how much they are missing, not how much they will recover.
Bio index counts as missing essence for this purpose.

Astral Scrubbers
As a result of their magitech research, Arcadia has developed relatively discreet devices which can be used to “scrub down” background counts. Such devices take the form of fractal antennas with various augmentations. They can be built into panels or banners, or constructed as free-standing devices. Astral Scrubbers will cut down an area's background count over a matter of hours or days depending on the nature of the energy. The Scrubbers must be regularly serviced by a technician.
The service does not prevent new background counts from being created, and is not effective in areas where ongoing pollution or toxicity is the cause of the count. As such, Arcadia deploys them only too areas where a background count is or has been caused by emotion or magical phenomena.
Arcadia provides the service to venues such as clubs, concerts and magical gatherings for free, or in exchange for a bit of advertising (typically built into the scrubber panels themselves) or for a fee to clean up such areas as crime scenes or sites of oppression.

Anti-HMVV bullets
Arcadia Agents have access to small amounts of specialized anti-vampire bullets. Wounds inflicted by these rounds do not regenerate, but must be healed by alternate means. For various reasons they are only manufactured and issued in small amounts, and it's rare for an Agent to possess more than one or two clips, if they have any at all.

Metamagic Technique: Barrier
You can use magical energy to deflect and absorb attacks. A vivid
barrier of magical energy flares into view around you.
You may use your spellpool dice as additional combat pool dice on
dodge and damage resistance tests. Your barrier is effective even against surprise attacks.

Magitech shielding
Your shields interfere with hostile magical energies.
Your shields add up to 1/2 of their rating to your resistance tests
against hostile spells.
Price: ¥20,000*rating of the shields.
Avail: Arcadia Faction

Priestess Card
This card releases a bright aura as an image of an angel appears dispenses healing to a target within line of sight as though using the heal spell. The card rolls a number of dice equal to its rating. These cards may be used by mundanes who have had the knowledge of how to use  them imparted by certain spirits These are sometimes issued as an emergency backup measure to agents. Some people with close ties to Arcadia like to keep them around.
Price: ¥1000*rating, Availability (rating)/24 hours, Arcadia Faction

Spell Cards
Arcadia's Magic research has allowed them to create cards, typically tarot-themed, which contain a variety of spells. Sustained spells cannot be made into cards. The card's force is both the force of the spell, and the number of dice rolled in casting it. These cards may be used by mundanes who have had the knowledge of how to use them imparted by certain spirits, and are often issued to agents as emergency countermeasures. These cards are rarer than the priestess cards, and not all spells are available.
Price ¥2,000 x force, Availability: (force)/(force days), Arcadia Faction street index: N/A

Capture Card
This card emblazoned with symbols of sealing can capture astral entities such as spirits or astrally projecting mages.
The card rolls an opposed test between its and its target's force or magic rating. If the card wins then the target must resist (rating)D damage using magic or force. The damage is  staged up by the card's net successes. Targets brought to a deadly wound by this effect are confined within the card, changing the card's imagery to contain a stylized portrait.  Entities may be stored in these cards indefinitely, although agents are careful to track down the bodies of mages before they expire..

Alpha Wave Generator
The Alpha-wave generator is a powerful secret weapon of Arcadia agents. This small, hand-held device emits Alpha modulated neural waves putting its target to sleep and removing items from short-term memory. In order to use this device, its two emitters must be deployed relatively close to the target's face, this can be accomplished in a few ways:
If not in combat you may roll an etiquette test against a target number of the target's intelligence to get them to look at the device. Otherwise you may use sleight of hand. In combat or against a resisting target you must make a successful unarmed attack with the device in hand. When you do this, you deploy the device rather than damage the target.
Once deployed the device rolls its rating against a TN of the target's willpower. If the Alpha-wave emitter gets successes, then the target must resist (Rating) D stun damage using willpower. Successes generated by the emitter can stage up this damage as though it were a ranged attack.
Targets rendered unconscious by an Alpha-wave emitter remain in a state of restful sleep for (Rating) hours, but can be roused by sufficiently strong stimuli (subtract the device's rating from the target's tests to perceive a stimulus). Targets do not retain stun damage after being roused.
Targets also lose a number of minutes of memory equal to the device's rating, starting with when the device was used and going backwards. The emitter may be adjusted to lessen either the sleep or memory loss effects independently of each other.
Price ¥10,000 x Rating, Availability (rating)/14 days, Arcadia Faction concealability 7

Manx KiTN X3
Based on advancements in mana-sensitive film and its derivatives,
Arcadia has managed to make a serious breakthrough and effectively
created a magitech optics system capable of perceiving astral phenomena.

This special KiTN X3 comp has the ability to use astral perception. The
onboard VI receives aura reading as a bonus skill. These comps are
issued individually only to highly trusted agents.

Arcadia Ziodyne Tazer
Damage: 10D stun electrical
Ammo: Microfusion Cell 10 shots
Concealability: 6
The Arcadia Ziodyne tazer uses an ion beam as a conduit for its
electrical discharge, eliminating the need for physical projectiles.
This nearly eliminates recoil, however the weapon's compact but powerful
turbine and magnetron give it a significant gyroscopic kick.
Effectively, the weapon has 3pts of recoil compensation. The weapon's
own ion beam can be used as a laser sight, and it can accept a
smartlink. It uses heavy pistol ranges, and can be fired equally well with
either the pistols or energy weapons skills.
Price: ¥5,000 avaiil 12/24 days, Street index 4

Zoe Armor Line
Arcadia's Zoe Armor line has continued to make advancements not only in personal protection, but also in personal style. The Zoe line now offers armor guaranteed to match anyone's look.
Any armor with a concealability rating of 10 or more can be made as an article of fine clothing by increasing the price by 100%, or as a tres chic outfit by increasing the price by 200%.
Avail: as armor+4, anyone

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