Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Visitors claiming vaguely to be from beyond the veil, new types of fey have arrived in the world with little explanation. Largely unknown to the world, some have partnered with Arcadia while others wander about getting by as best they can. As well, certain unsavory interests might hunt them out of fear, or to exploit their magical abilities; fey-blood is often quite potent in magical compounds.

Grace and beauty personified, nymphs are a breathtaking sight to behold, which is just as well, as most love to be the center of attention. Grand and charismatic, nymphs revel in the attentions of others. Nymph hair and eye colors may be any shade of the visible spectrum. Nymphs are able to pass for elves if not subjected to too much scrutiny, and most do. Some make claims of fantastical pedigrees, certifications or noble titles, although none can seem to remember quite where they came from or how they came to be in the world of humans. For unknown reasons, those few in the higher echelons of elven authorities who know about nymphs are uncomfortable with them.

+2 Quickness
+6 Charisma

Unearthly Grace: Nymphs add their charisma to their combat pools for the purposes of dodge and damage resistance tests.
Powers: Wealth (able to create (Essence)x¥1000 worth of clothing, jewelry and expendable foci over the course of a month; individual items are created instantly as a complex action), Confusion (Special: nymph must remain within sight of target), Innate Spells: (Stun-bolt(M), Healthy Glow, Makeover)

Weaknesses: Vulnerability: (Iron), Allergy: (Iron, severe), Compulsive: (appear sexy & tres chic), Bio-rejection, Dietary requirement (organic produce)
BP cost: 25

Small numbers of party-loving Satyrs and Satyresses (also known as fauns) have begun to appear here-and-there, mostly blending into local club scenes and attempting to conceal their true nature. Satyr blood can be used to make some quite potent magical drugs and compounds.

+1 Strength
+2 Body
+2 Quickness
+2 Charisma
Running Multiplier is x5
+2 dice to any test to perform music
Powers: Hypnotic Song(any musical performance), Desire Reflection (sexual, vs compatible target, satyr integrated), Immunity: Melee attacks, Innate spells: Mob Mood, Physical Mask (satyr appears as 1 specific human or elf of similar appearance to base form)

Weaknesses: Satyrs must make a willpower (6) test to refuse a fight or physical contest. Satyrs are lecherous and must make a willpower test against a target number equal to a seducer's charisma in order to resist any advances.
BP cost: 25

Pixies (sprites, critters p.44)

Standing 5 to 7 inches tall, no one is exactly sure where pixies come from, and their existence is largely unknown outside of select circles. (Knowledge paranormal TN 10). Pixie appearances vary wildly, and although common traits might be shared by pixies from a given region, regions and populations can be very small. Eye and hair colors can be any visible shade, ears may be round or pointed. Pixie's wings come in many variations, often resembling those of a butterfly, dragonfly, or moth. Some rare types of pixies even have nonhuman skin tones such as bright red or blue.
A Pixie's diet tends to consist mostly of fruit, although many have a weakness for human-made candies and pastries. Pixie physiology can tolerate a seemingly unlimited amount of sugar.

Pixies have established communities within protected forests, such as those of both Tir Tangir and Tir Nan Ogg, although their existence is seldom known or recognized. Those that make their homes in urban environments tend to be affiliated with Arcadia, a few friendly individuals, or on their own. Arcadia will shelter Pixies, and issue them SINs with human or elven cover identities. Their legal status is not recognized by any AAA corp, or human government.

Body: Starting Max 2
quickness +7
strength: Starting Max 1
Intelligence +1
Willpower +1
+1d6 initiative
Quickness multiplier for flying is 5
Powers: Concealment (personal),-1 to dodge TNs
BP cost: 10

BP cost: 25

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