Friday, September 6, 2019

The People of Nantucket

Young Witch
Rose Redbriar
22 year-old witch and the youngest scion of the Redbriar family. A clan of witches that has resided on Nantucket since before The Awakening. Rose has recently returned to the island after a few years away, appently to attend school and “find herself” no one knows what she got up to in her time on the mainland, but she does seem to have some sort of purpose for having returned just now, and her knowledge of magic is far beyond what a witch of her years would normally know. Whether she’s ready to take over from her family as the “Island Witch” is another matter.

Call Girl
Sayoko Flynn
A beautiful elven woman who apparently supports herself as a model, Soyoko Flynn has lived on the island for years and always seems keyed in to it’s goings-on. A shaman and celebrant of Aphrodite, it’s rumored that her companionship is for hire. Originally from the mainland, she not-infrequently has out-of towners stay as boarders at her home, overseen by her “sisters”.

Lone Wolf
Jack Frost
There are few shadowrunners on Nantucket, but Jack frost, as he is known, is one of the most prominent. Few know much about his past, but he has become to be respected, even if not quite trusted. He’s known to be in an uneasy truce with the police department, and it’s rumored that he’s even done the odd job for them.

Local Doctor
Dr Gene Patrick
A local physician and operator of a family clinic, Dr Gene Patrick has recently welcomed his daugher-in-law Noriko to the practice, even as he laments that his son has chosen instead to work at Dunwich Hospital. His clinic has felt a bit of a squeeze, as Dunwich attempts to monopolize medicine on Nantucket, but he keeps on regardless.

Dr. Noriko Suzui-Patrick
A recent transplant to the Island, Noriko moved to Nantucket with her husband, Gabe when he came to work at Dunwich Hospital. When Dunwich failed to offer her a job “dong real medicine” she chose to look for work elsewhere… at his father’s practice. This has caused some family tension, not least of all as Gabe seems to have... changed, becoming consumed with his work and spending long hours at Dunwich Medical, never speaking of what he does there.

Commuter Air Tycoon
Roy Biggins III
The owner of Aeromass the island’s largest airline, Roy Biggins III considers himself to be a pillar of the community and one of the most important men on the island… How much anyone else agrees with that opinion depends on how close he is to being within earshot. Regardless, Roy controls a commanding share of the island’s air traffic, with local business Sandpiper air and flights from the large national and international carriers being his chief rivals.

Alan Prince -Author
Alan Prince came to Nantucket to get away from the stresses of city life and to refocus himself on his work. Recently however, people have noticed his behavior becoming strange.

Erica Prince
Wife of Alan Prince. She’s been trying to get her husbands mind off of stress and deadlines, with the hope that he might return to writing.

Atticus Dunwich
The Dunwich Family has asserted an increasingly controlling influence over the isle of Nantucket over the past few decades, most recently culminating in the construction of Dunwich Hospital and the bid to have Dunwich Security take over the island’s police services. Atticus Dunwich has his fingers in many pies and his agents all over the island. Rarely known to leave his imposing estate, he has recently been seen to take a notably hands-on approach to the goings on at Dunwich Hospital, ostensibly to keep-sharp his own skills as an erstwhile-retired surgeon.

Police Chief
Clark Black
The Chief of the island’s beleaguered police department, Clark Black misses the days when the island was quiet. Recent reports of disappearances, monsters, and unexplained happenings have stretched the small police force beyond its limits, and the increasing intrusion of Dunwich security doesn’t bode well for the otherwise well-liked municipal force. In recent times, he’s taken to just trying to keep the island together, and there are rumors that he may have had to reach out to unorthodox sources for help from time to time.

Dunwich Security Chief
Ken Kugashira
Chief of Dunwich Security Ken Kugashira reports directly to Atticus Dunwich Himself. His professional and well-disciplined force has taken an increasing interest in police and security matters on the island, despite not formally holding general law enforcement authority. Dunwich security officers have been routinely stretching the limits of their power to make “citizen's arrests” or to conduct private surveillance or investigations, emboldened by both the fact that they outnumber the island’s police force and the fact that they have the backing of the island’s wealthiest family. Largely imported from the mainland or even further afield, they’ve ruffled the feathers of many locals.

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