Rescue Rangers

Dan took some quite excellent notes on the session, I've cut and pasted them here, and will likely add a bit more story information soon.

Dan's post:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Session 11

The karma faerie had sent us on a mission to screw with a VI replacement in an Aztech firm which had a glitch which would allow for programming to be skewed, accidentially "paying off" many mortgages and loans gotten through predatory lending and giving the "proceeds" to charity in such a way to make it ineffective to go back and undo it.

While there, we discovered the manager had a side project producing lyrium in the basement using a background count and an Arcadia astral scrubber. The manufacturer was turned in for the $200k reward.

7 good karma
8 white hat
6 gray hat

Session 10

Mosura Takanuchi, who sent nightmare after the girl in session 9, needs to be killed. He is working with Renraku's supersoldier project to create a supplimental force to red samurai by combining cybermancy with necrotic tissue to make unkillable soldiers.

We broke in, and killed him, and had to defensively defenestrate to escape. There seemed to be something going on in the basement though we never got to investigating it. It was in one of renraku's enclaves in seattle.

40,000 nuyen each
6 good karma
3 white hat
4 gray hat

Session 9

Responding to a blank investigate the area mission, the Rescue Rangers came across a young woman who was being attacked in a mall by Nighmare. The Rescue Rangers helped her escape and fended off Nightmare long enough for most of the civilians to leave.

+7 good karma
+8 white hat (+1 more for dave, john, dan)
+5 gray hat (-2 for john)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Session 8

The cat girl Odessa called for a meeting. The rescue rangers had to eliminate the info that they let slip to Aztechnology. It was in an offshore oil rig. While Grumpy rode his scout droid, the rest of the party rode a boat which was gunned down by a mech that Grumpy eventually controlled and the group destroyed.

The group hired a drug addict mage to wipe the minds of the staff members. They were going to wipe the computer memory except that one of the team shot the computer up first, forcing them to manually remove the hard drives. The team escaped before reinforcements could arrive.

5 good karma
5 white hat
5 gray hat
$35,000 / 6 people

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Session 7

The rest of the rescue rangers tracked down the captured ones and fought their way through the school administration to save them. Spartan and Grumpy waited for the police (Lone Star) to give depositions. The school was trying to bring about "the fall" and used a special ritual that let them emulate magic by keeping peopel captured in the basement, where they would fall into comas eventually from too much damage. Lone Star and Aztechnology now have access to these files.

White Hat: 7
Good Karma: 9
Mission Pay: Voucher for a Level 3 aura balancing.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Session 6

The Rescue Rangers went to see Diamond Lily, who didn't realize that she had placed the shadowrun on Laplace Mail, but indeed wanted help. A local high school, Vinchinzo High had students disappearing. Diamond Lily's friend Eugene Connol had contacted her previously, afraid of the disappearances before he himself disappeared.

During the investigation we saw that Aztechnology had recently replaced Lone Star as the school's security force. The missing students' disappearances were all accounted for: the school showed them in class in "SP" classes, with extra digits on the room numbers. The parents either thought the students were on a field trip to Paris, or had broken homes where they were not concerned with the disappearance of the students.

Assuming that Aztechnology was behind things, the Rescue rangers kidnapped an agent while Grumpy attempted to hack the phone system, realizing that the phone was redirecting calls when the secretary attempted to call one of the missing students in class. However, Grumpy was discovered by the principal. His story of "we came to fix the phones" didn't fly, and the principal stun-bolted him.

The other rescue rangers came to investigate Grumpy's disappearance and they themselves were captured....

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Session 5

The Rescue Rangers went on a blank mission to the Redmond barrens where they found Raiders negotiating with a troll for the sale of an unconscious girl. They battled and took the girl to Arclight. She seemed to have a special astrally active omnitool and seemed to be made of bioware, on top of being able to transmit and recieve data. Rewards: 4 white, 3 gray, 5 good karma. Grumpy accepted a black hat mission to locate the girl, which he failed by giving a false location. Meanwhile the girl in Arclight went through some kind of force field to find an area with better "reception". She wanted a box in an aztech facility which would give her information about her origin. Tye team went to the facility where Grumpy and Wanderlust broke in, stole the box, and broke out. They brought it back to Arclight where the girl took out a small red chineese pixie like girl. Rewards +4 white +4 gray +5 good karma.

Session 4

Shortly after rescuing Harold Baum's daughter, the group accepted a mission from a Johnson called Black Canary, who turned out to be Zina. One of her fans that won a date with her, Alfred Marshal, was kidnapped by someone with the web alias "Freddy K". He demanded a date with Zina, and that she wear a bomb with a VI in it on the date. She offered 50k for the rescue of Al.

We traced Al to a diner at the Seattle border where we found a small drone equipped with poison that hid in the booth. Security footage showed that Al was stabbed by the drone and poisoned and went to his car. We found the crashed car and found Al's comp, which showed him being kidnapped and the van that took him. We also discovered fingerprints.

With this info we could digitally trace Al to an abandoned auto shop in the Puallyup Barrens where the engineer Freddy K was wating for us with a bunch of mechs. We destroyed most of the mechs and took down Freddy K and rescued Al. We brought him to Zina, who paid us 50k +10k for her rescue previously.

Rewards: 5 good karma, 4 gray hat, 4 white hat.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Session 3

The Rescue Rangers were seperately attending a literacy event one Sunday afternoon at the local library, one to be hosted by Zina Ellis, a an actress/pop singer. They noticed a heavier security presence, most of whom were Yakuza members, though closer inspection showed that they were fake Yakuza and were instead Chinese (possibly triads). A sniper tried to take a shot at Zina from a car, but Bridget mana-bolted him before he could act, sending the crowd into a panic. The fake security quickly started throwing grenades in the mob and pulling Zina to the side where they used magic to strip her and got ready to cut her up with a chainsaw. After some intense combat, the people were subdued (thanks in part to the Gullwings showing up) and Grumpy snuck Zina out to get to the hospital. Apparently the whole plan was a plot to make the Yakuza look ineffective. Zina gave us tickets to some shows of hers, and offered us money, but Grumpy declined any monetary reward, while trying to appear dickish. They met a mercenary named Spartan who joined their group.

Rewards: 4 good karma, 3 gray hat, 3 white hat.

Afterwards they went to Mr. Baum to see what the problem was with his daughter that he had mentioned earlier. His daughter Sandy was hanging out with a project mayhem-styled gang that promoted "art" through random acts of violence and destruction. His daughter was being mind controlled and kept high on lyrium by another mage there. The group talked their way in to see her and Bridget dispelled the mind control. Suddenly combat broke out as Spartan blasted the mage with an assault rifle. After some combat the group escaped with Sandy. Their engineer warned us that "this was not over" as we left.

Rewards: 4 good karma, 4 white hat, 3 gray hat. $50,000 (divided by 5 runners).

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Session 2

The characters received an anonymous mission regarding breaking into an Aztechnology facility and changing a press release which would more or less force the company to donate large sums to charity instead of hiding it in false in-house charities.

The group went to the facility and grappled for some time with the powerful resident VI before they were able to override it. Meanwhile, they discovered in the basement there was a blood mage and werewolf performing magic rituals using synthetic lyrium. The group defeated the blood mage, whose head exploded from a cranial bomb, and rescued three prisoners kept in the basement.

The synthetic lyrium and werewolf were delivered to Arcadia, wo paid them for routing out a seller of fake lyrium, and the characters received money for the mission. Rumor has it that the karma fairy was responsible for the mission post.

Karma: 5
White Hat: 5, Gray Hat 4
Money: 100,000 + 20,000.

Session 1

The shadowrunners recieved a Laplace alert on their phone, telling them to head to the Redmond Barrens just outside Arclight and "poke around" for a mission. They went there and found a group of 6 Raiders attacking 2 Teslas. The shadowrunners subdued the raiders and saved the Teslas (good, considering half of them were teslas).

Afterwards they went on a run for a Mr. Baum who was embezzling money from Mitsuhama in retaliation for being laid off. However his best laid plans were about to be discovered, and he hired the "Rescue Rangers" to go and steal some computer software which would allow him to continue to embezzle money from the company. After some discussion as to the methods to use, the group went in- the dwarf and vampires went sneaking while the man and nymph talked (and slept) their way through several employees. Once the USB software was obtained, they noticed another run opportunity to deliver the package elsewhere. They turned it down (despite their dwarf's attempts to sabotage the run) and delivered the package to Mr. Baum.

Total Good Karma: 8 (+1 trivia, +4/+3)
Total Grey Hat : +5 (+3/+2)
Total White Hat: +3 (+2/+1)
$15,000 + $20,000 (divided by 4 runners)