Friday, December 31, 2010

Runner Groups

Runners not only make a name for themselves individually, but as teams. Most runners have a select group of associates that they prefer to work with, this is known as a runner team. With advancements in society and shadowrunning, runner teams have become stronger as units. Runner teams tend to have a team name they are known by, and are commonly afforded more respect and opportunities than lone runners. They typically consist of a core group of shadowrunners, and often some behind-the scenes support staff. After new shadowrunners meet up and find a group they like working with, forming a team is perfectly natural. A team can accrue competence and ethics scores together.

Here are some of the teams you might meet in Seattle, and what you might know about them.

The Gullwings
Rikku, Yuna, and Paine, the primary members of The Gullwings

These girls are hailed as heroes when they show up to save the day. Seen more and more on the Laplace Mail, the Gullwings are one of Seattle's most up-and-coming runner groups. They're often seen responding to emergencies in between their various heists and capers. The Gullwings are generally well-liked and due to their high white-hat score don't generate too much heat as long as they keep things reasonable. People give the Gullwings the Benefit of the doubt and assume that anyone who gets hit by them must have been up to no good anyway. It is suspected by some of those in the know that the Gullwings work closely with, or may even be sponsored by Arcadia, though of course there's no proof. Furthermore, the Gullwings do so much to keep Seattle safe that there are often "more pressing matters to look into" when a Gullwings incident lands in front of the police.
White-hat score: 135, Grey-hat score: 75, Black-hat score: 2

Bart Company

Crimson of Bart Company
Presently one of Seattle's most well respected runner groups, Bart Company has a well-earned reputation for pure competence. Bart company's most prominent member, who goes by the runner name Crimson Storm, is rumored to be an entirely mundane human with no cyberware, who is nonetheless possibly one of the most powerful individual runners in the northwest. Generally people would assume that that couldn't be right, but she seems to be on the cutting edge of the "Revolutionary Evolution", and Bart Company always gets the job done. It's known that Bart Company's other members all compare quite well against Crimson, and that's a fact that strikes fear into their targets and lets them name their prices to Johnsons. Bart Company works clean and professional, but seems to have at least some ethics. They keep their heat down by being damn good, avoiding creating grudges, and making sure that people know they're better off staying out of their way.
White-hat score: 25, Grey-hat score: 198, Black-hat score 15

The Plan From Panama

Also known as the Panama Plan, or, ironically, the Men in White Hats, The Plan From Panama is a long-running runner group rumored to be older than the Laplace Mail itself. They keep a relatively large membership for a runner group, bordering on being the size of a gang or small syndicate. The Panama Plan is quite competent, and they have no reservations about getting their hands dirty. They've been known to engage in slavery, poaching of sentient protected species, and many acts of espionage and kidnapping. They're rumored to have worked for the likes of the Triads, Aztechnology and Renraku, but they aren't picky at all. The Men in White Hats don't do good deeds, but have a startling ability to blend in, and a pervasive network of connections. Some of their runs end up getting foiled by the Gullwings, or other white-hat groups, but no one in the city thinks the Gullwings alone will be enough to keep them from spreading their influence even further and deeper.
White-hat score: 0, Grey-hat score: 110, Black-hat score: 140


Seeming to come from nowhere some time ago, Nightmare has been painting Seattle red. Another group with a large and rotating membership, nightmare is known for exceptionally violent, and sometimes even Raider-esque massacres and carnage. Unfortunately they are far more organized than any group of Raiders. Nightmare generates extreme amounts of heat, but seems to feed on it, sometimes choosing to go through Lonestar barricades and hard-points purely as a show of force. People hire nightmare when they not only  need a job done, but a message sent, and Nightmare carries out such tasks with grim efficiency and sadism. Nightmare has been terrorizing Seattle and it seems like no one can stop them.
White-hat score: 0, Grey-hat score: 170, Black-hat score: 255 (max)

Character Creation Checklist

Character Creation Checklist!
It's character creation time! Before you make your characters I ask that everyone have a look through the material on the site; I know that it's quite extensive, but that's part of why it's important. There are plenty of resources here that should help you to make a fun and viable character, as well as a lot of material about the campaign world. Don't forget to scroll to the bottom and click to check Older Posts, sorting by category also helps.

I'm also asking that people try to use what's available here, and not make any off-the wall special requests. Feel free to run anything by me of course, but understand that I'll be strongly disinclined to approve a Great dragon with toxic potency or anything of the sort. With the races available, and with perks in play there are plenty of great options for building your character.

That said, while I've put a lot of thought into the material and campaign, I only have limited empirical evidence as to what works or how things might interact with anything I missed. As a result, the game will be running in light play-test mode, especially as things evolve. I may have to adjust things to maintain balance and function; as a quick example, the Digital Tracing system may need some adjustments for balance, but should be workable.

I haven't looked at the web enhancement edges and flaws too much recently, so it's probably best to stick to the companion and not to build your character around them. Many were poorly-constructed, redundant, or broken (cyclic magic). Some are fine though, so just run them by me.

Dan made a really good post on creating a workable character. It was mostly spot on, so I'm linking it. Give it a read before you begin. Dan's How To Create A Workable Character.

Be sure to have a look around the sections even if you viewed them previously. I've made quite a lot of changes. In the case of perks I saved some of the best for last. Keep a particular eye out for perks when building character versatility. I probably should also specify that white-hat leanings are preferable.

Character Creation Information

Basic information
Build points: 120 +bonuses
Edges and Flaws: You can balance these against each other as you like. You may also buy edges with build points or net up to 5 BP by taking flaws
Availability for starting equipment: 12
Characters receive 2 Backgrounds at character creation
Characters receive 4 free Perks at character creation, and may purchase more for 5 BP each.

Now the Checklist!

Character backstories are always desirable, so let's have them. Your character's backstory should include at least a bit of character history and goals, as well as a significant event or two. You should also answer the following character and backstory questions. Including or referring to them in your backstory is a fine idea, though I'd also appreciate it if you answer them in list format as well. Each question is worth 1 Build Point if answered in detail.

  1. What motivates your character to do missions, or excites your character about missions?
  2. What are your character's ethics?
  3. How did you get your Laplace ID?
  4. Which of the other player characters do you know?
  5. Where does your character live?
  6. How do your backgrounds fit into your backstory?
  7. Who are your contacts and how did you meet them? This doesn't have to be complicated if you have a lot of them.

You should make sure that you have a proper loadout. Equipment can make or break a shadowrunner, especially with recent advancements in technology. Gain one BP for each question you answer affirmatively.

  1. Have you purchased and configured your Comp?
  2. Have you purchased and configured your Shields?

Skills and Versatility
It's always a good idea to make a character capable of contributing across a wide variety of situations. One really should be prepared for anything ranging from high-level espionage to a sudden ambush by raiders, or even being asked an awkward question by mall security. If you're a mage, then variety in your spells is a good way to build versatility. If you're not a mage, then you have that many more points to spend on skills, perks, and equipment. Building a versatile character is a complex process, but here are at least a few points to consider. 1 BP for each answered affirmatively. 

  1. Do you have a credible means of sneaking?
  2. Do you have a credible means of information gathering, such as Etiquette, Investigate, or Computers (for research and digital tracing).
  3. Can you subdue an opponent quietly or non-lethally (preferably both)?

Character artwork would also be appreciated, although it awards no points. Have fun designing, read through the material, and please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. (feel free to comment through the site as well.)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New and Consolidated Skills

New skills

Energy Weapons
replaces laser weapons, applicable to energy weapons.

Digital Stealth
This is an important new skill which has a variety of uses. Its primary use is in hiding tampering with computer systems, but it also covers maintaining a low profile and staying off the grid. This second use is the main reason why most people take it, as it protects both you and your personal equipment from Digital Trace attempts. You roll an open test when using this skill to hide computer tampering. You use it passively to protect your privacy.

Used for forensics and searching for hidden clues, as well as for tracking footprints (more useful in some environments than others). Investigation can be used in combination with knowledge skills to put together clues and put together theories based on evidence. It can also be used to supplement etiquette when gathering information in an area. Investigation can be used to supplement perception tests.

Knowledge: Laplace Mail
This is the go-to skill for keeping up to date on what's going on in the shadowrunning world. You have a general idea of what runs and adventures are going down, and can use this skill to recognize other runners and Johnsons by their reputations and MOs. This is a popular skill both for shadowrunners and their comps.

Now includes the useful Parkour application. Includes acrobatics and may see expanded uses. May be based off of any physical stat.

The primary skill of Engineers. It allows them to deploy tech abilities, and also replaces electronics, and moost build/ repair skills in their hands.

Removed Skills

Diving (combined with athletics)
Underwater combat
Launch Weapons (largely combined with heavy weapons or gunnery)
All of the watercraft skills are now covered by: Pilot Watercraft

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Two-weapon Fighting

Two-Weapon Fighting

The two-weapon fighting systems have been pretty badly scattered and often imbalanced. This is a generalization of the two-weapon cybercombat rules on p. 121 SR3

The two weapons can be used against either 2 targets in your reach, or the same target. In either case, the two weapons should be the same type (edged weapons, cyber weapons, etc).

Same Target: Use 1.5*Str instead of your Str score when calculating weapon damage. So if a weapon does (S+2)L, now it does [(1.5*S)+2]L.

Multiple Targets: Roll against both targets, splitting your dice up, and the off hand weapon only uses 1/2 your strength. (This option is nearly redundant in melee at any rate).

You can fire the two weapons at one target, or at multiple targets using the same action. They should both be one handed guns.

Same Target: Add 1/2 the power of one gun to the power of the other. So if you're dual wielding predators at 9M, the combined attack is 13M (9+4). This does not help bypass hardned armor or weapon immunity. Take a +2 TN modifier to the attack roll and you cannot use scopes, laser sights, aiming, or smartlinks to help.

Multiple Targets: Take a +2 TN modifier to the attack rolls, and split your attack's dice between the two targets. You cannot benefit from smartlinks, scopes, or laser sights.

When using two weapons, apply the recoil modifiers from both on further shots (so if they both have recoil 1, you'll get +2 next shot).

Ambidexterity Edge
Value: 3, 6
Each level of this edge eliminates 1 point of target number penalties for two weapon fighting with ranged weapons, and allows a character to roll 1 extra die when fighting with 2 weapons in melee.

Friday, December 24, 2010

New Weapons and Armor

New Weapons and Armor

Energized Weave
Energized Weave allows for interesting armor designs

Energized Weave armor is the closest that a person can come to wearing two shields. Though using similar technology, it is not able to intercept attacks like a shield does, but protects the wearer from energy and kinetic impacts by allowing the wearer's natural bio-electric field to transfer load to the wearer's armor. This extends the armor's protective value equally to all parts of the wearer's body, and in addition to protection from energy attacks, has the added benefit of keeping the wearer comfortable in mundane extremes of hot and cold. Many cutting-edge fashion designers have taken advantage of the technology to create minimalist attire that still protects against the elements... including lead.

Energized Weave increases the effective ballistic and impact values of an armor piece by 2, this augmentation does not count when calculating encumbrance or other effects.
Energized Weave armor functions normally against energy attacks, rather than at half value.
Attackers may not take called shots to increase damage against a target wearing energized weave armor.
Armor that is to be enhanced with energized weave must be worn largely in contact with the body, therefore this modification must be made to the bottom layer of armor, and cannot be made to over-garments such as trenchcoats and security armor.
Only one piece of Energized Weave-enhanced armor may be worn at a time, although matched ensembles may count as one item.

Energized Weave armor cannot receive other energy absorbing modifications.
Price: 5,000¥x (ballistic+impact) ratings of the armor. Availability: as armor +4

Plasma Weapons

Plasma weapons cause fire damage by launching a ball of searing-hot coalesced plasma at their target. The plasma does not cool instantaneously, targets hit by a plasma bolt must make a damage resistance test at the end of the combat turn at a TN of half the weapon's power and against a damage code 1 step lower.
Targets resist plasma damage using half of their impact armor.
Plasma weapons are wielded with the energy weapons skill and cause only ½ normal recoil. They can accept most accessories.
Plasma Pistol

Plasma Pistol
Damage: 8S
Ammo: 10
Range: Heavy Pistol
Conceal: 5
Price: 5,000¥ Index: 2
Avail: 12/2weeks

Plasma Rifle
Plasma Rifles
Damage: 12S
Ammo: 30
Range: Sport Rifle
Conceal: –
Price: 7,500¥, Index: 2
Avail: 14/21 days

Tesla “Green Hornet”
Damage: 5M
Ammo: 20
Conceal: 7
Price: 10,000¥
Avail: Tesla Faction
Special: Burst Fire/ Full Auto only, no additional cost for mech integration.
This tiny “pepper pot” style plasma gun was designed to be mounted on Tesla scouter mechs, but was soon adapted to hand-held use. It's distinctive report when fired on full-auto will summon Teslas from all over the barrens.

Raider Weaponry
These weapons are most commonly found in the hands of Raiders, although they can easily be replicated or found elsewhere. Their brutality and lack of subtlety can satisfy particularly vicious urges.

Ballistic Fist
Ballistic Fist
Damage: (Str+1)M stun and 8S ballistic
Ammo: 3(m)
Conceal: –
Price: 750¥
Avail: 4/24hrs
Since the invention of the pistol mankind has longed to perfect the “glove with a gun in it”. Who would have thought that Raiders in the barrens would be the first people crazy enough to succeed? In addition to adding weight to the wearer's punches, this glove discharges a shotgun shell on a successful hit.

Damage: (Str+4)D
Conceal: –
Reach: 1
Price: 500¥
Avail: 2/8hrs
The exceptional weight and unwieldiness of a chainsaw imposes a +3 TN penalty on the wielder's attacks. This penalty can be reduced by 1 for each 2 points by which the user's strength exceeds 4.

Raider Harpoon Gun
Damage: 5M
Ammo: 2
Range: Shotgun
Conceal: –
Price: 1,000¥
Avail: 12/6days
This particularly vicious weapon launches long and cruelly barbed harpoons mounted in an over-under crossbow fashion. Targets that take a moderate or higher wound from this weapon receive a -2,-4, or -6 penalty to a physical stat of the attacker's choice depending on how much damage has been received. Penalties can stack, but cannot reduce an attribute to less than 1, and remain until the harpoons are removed. Removing a harpoon requires either a simple action (and a 5M damage resistance test) or a complex action (and a TN 5 bio-tech test).
Loading 1 harpoon into this weapon requires a complex action.

Potent Ammunition

Shield-Piercing Bullets
These bullets are wrapped in a quantum jacket designed to pierce shields. Upon contact they reduce a shield's rating by their own for the purpose of the shield's damage resistance test. If the shield's rating is reduced to zero, the shield immediately overheats and the bullet passes through unimpeded. They must be painstakingly manufactured on an individual basis in a process that takes many hours by its nature. They are very rare and highly illegal. Prices listed are Per Bullet
Price: Rating x 500¥ Street index: 3
Availability: Rating x 2/ Rating x 2 days

Hammerhead Rounds
Using depleted-uranium cores and overcharged explosives, Hammerhead Rounds are designed to be effective against hardened targets and barriers. Hammerhead rounds cause double the normal recoil, and ad +1 to the base TN to hit a target. However, they also add +4 to a weapons power, and apply their full effect against barriers, rather than half.
Price: ¥500 Per 10, street index: 2
Availability: 12/ 7 days

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Langrisser Omnicorp

Langrisser Omnicorp

Lucas Langrisser was 10 years old when shadowrunners gunned down his parents in their lab at Langrisser Technical Consulting. He barely survived the attack and found evidence that the hit had been ordered by Renraku. 3 years later he led a campaign that revolutionized the world and left Renraku reeling.

In early 2061 Renraku had heavily leveraged itself and many of its assets in preparation for an upcoming negotiated acquisition of Yakashima Technologies. Speculation on their stock was high, as they had announced many upcoming plans and projects to be put into place after the merger. This all changed when many of Yakashima's key facilities around the world were simultaneously invaded and seized by small strike groups of tech-warriors who would later become known as Engineers, and an army of robots which the media would soon refer to as the “Mechabots Army”. Yakashima's automated and matrix defenses were quickly dismantled by the assault, and their computer systems turned against them almost immediately. The seizure was broadcast live, and it was revealed that Yakashima had been involved in extensive espionage against governments and other corporations. Furthermore they had recently been commissioned to begin work on a vaguely defined “Atma Energy Project” or “Ultimate Weapon”, one which apparently relied on using cybermancy on great dragons, and which suspiciously could only be constructed using Renraku hardware and resources. Yakashima properties around the world were invaded and seized by local governments. Needless to say the merger suddenly fell through and Renraku was out billions; investigations of the “Atma Energy Project” also started to look bad for them despite their attempts to distance themselves from the subject.

Lucas Langrisser immediately took credit for the destruction of Yakashima Technologies, revealing to the world that the force had consisted of Engineers, who performed their amazing feats using Omni-tools and led Mechs controlled by VIs, or Virtual Intelligences, into combat. He implored world governments and the corporate court to pursue Renraku. It was at this time that he changed his company's name to Langrisser Omnicorp. Renraku officials were of course furious and began to assemble a response. They were massing personnel and resources at their Archology in preparation for an assault on Langrisser's Seattle headquarters when they ran into another problem... Renraku's archology spontaneously went into lock-down. After the facility repelled attempts by Renraku to retake it, Langrisser volunteered to go in on behalf of the UCAS army. There were heavy losses of mechs, but the Langrisser forces prevailed. Renraku's apparently bizarre experiments were revealed and the company lost further face. The Archology was nationalized and given to Seattle. Langrisser was inundated with purchase requests for mechs VIs and shields.

Lucas continued to press for the pursuit of Renraku, but the Corporate Court declined, and governments seemed uninterested, leaving him somewhat bitter about the matter. Nonetheless, Langrisser had rendered contemporary computer technology obsolete almost overnight (deckers and existent matrix security proved no match for engineers and VIs) and people clambered to place orders while many youths were eager to become engineers. Lucas eventually opened up the process, and at some point The Nexus became active on the matrix. Langrisser Omnicorp is currently the world's largest AA Megacorp and largest privately owned company. Lucas is suspected to harbor grudges against Renraku, Shadowrunners, and the Corporate Court.

Even over a decade later, other corps are still playing catch-up to Langrisser. Renraku has lost huge amounts of business in the computers market and has doubled down on their biological research. One of their hottest new projects is some sort of “Super Power Army” of super-soldiers to supplement their Red Samurai. Many rumors abound.
The destruction of Yakashima made many opportunities for other, often more tolerant companies to come in and fill their niche. Mechs are more reliable and versatile than traditional drones ever were. Shields are a core component of modern defense and have made the world a safer place. New matrix infrastructure not only allows worldwide connectivity, but has made the matrix dramatically more useful, reliable and secure than before.


There has been much evolution of vampires in recent times, which has caused quite some turmoil within the Ordo Maximus. The differing needs and philosophies of those infected with different strains of HMHVV has caused political tumult, and brought loyalties and allegiances into question.

Maribel Renard

Maribels are humans infected with the Maribel strain of HMHVV, named for its first known carrier, A pop star-turned spy who had been strung along for some time by the Ordo Maximus. Transmission of the Maribel strain requires a somewhat involved "siring" process that has kept their numbers relatively low.
Maribels experience heightened passion and sensation, and are known for hypersexuality. They have retractable fangs and commonly develop pointed ears, though only a few are able to pass for elves. They are able to eat food, although it passes through them without providing any nutritional value. For sustenance, Maribel's require 8 ounces of blood daily, being otherwise powered by essence and mana. This blood may come from blood-packs or even from animals, although most find the latter unpalatable. A Maribel who goes without blood will lose 1 point of willpower per day until slipping into torpor; during this time the vampire must make willpower checks vs a TN of (max willpower) to avoid seeking blood when the opportunity arises. Maribels' reaction to sunlight is mild, and those who maintain luxury comforts may avert it by using sufficiently powerful sunscreens.
Those in power within the Ordo Maximus afford Maribels little respect, with many considering them to be suitable only as whores, or treating their presence as Arcadian sedition. This has, of course, led to a self-fulfilling prophecy, as Maribels, realizing that Arcadia will accommodate them, have largely allied with Arcadian interests. Maribels' low essence requirements mean that they have fewer issues with Mycelium as well.
The origin of the strain is disputed, with all evidence pointing to it having been developed by the Ordo itself, while some within the organization suspect Arcadia meddling, and others still citing evidence of a powerful free spirit having interceded on Maribel's behalf.

+2d6 initiative
+2 dice to perception tests
-2 TN to perception tests involving the sense of touch
Thermographic Vision

Special: Maribel Vampires add ½ their essence to both their quickness and charisma.
Powers:Essence Drain, Regeneration, Influence*, Desire Reflection*, Immunities (age, disease, poison)

Weaknesses: Sunlight Allergy (mild), Essence Loss (1/6 chance/month), Biorejection, Compulsions (Vanity, Hedonism), Expensive tastes (suffers +1 morale penalty to all rolls for each step below high lifestyle), Dietary requirement (blood)
*When Maribels use their Influence or Desire Reflection powers they must roll willpower vs a TN of their target's charisma; failure means that the vampire becomes enamored with the target and suffers a +2 TN distraction penalty due to feelings of lust. This modifier does not apply to actions related to pursuing the target, and lasts until it is acted upon or until the target has been out of the vampire's sight for a number of minutes equal to the target's charisma.
*Clarification: Maribels need only literal blood on a daily basis, and only use their essence drain once in a great while (typically after bad luck on their 1/6 chance of essence loss).
BP cost: 25


The Ordo Maximus has long been experimenting with ways to introduce HMHVV to shape-shifters. Over a decade ago it is rumored that they found a promising strain, but that the research ended dramatically. Recently however they have explored new directions, and produced the entirely new Embryon strain of HMHVV. Embryon vampires see a marked increase in the versatility of their shape-changing talents, but are sometimes driven into a frenzied bloodlust.

Ordo developers had originally intended to use Embryon as ideal spies and infiltrators, but many have proven difficult to train or control, and all are subject to falling prey to their bestial nature.

Only shape-shifters with human forms can be infected with the Embryon strain.

+1d6 Initiative
Thermographic vision

Mutable Form: Embryon have a hybrid form in addition to their human and animal forms, furthermore, as a complex action they can change the general physical features, such as race, gender, or appearance of any of their forms as long as they remain both within the norms of their species and within 50% of their normal mass. This allows Embryon to add their essence to disguise rolls. Embryon split their essence between 2 of their physical attributes, but may change which 2 as a complex action.
Embryon in hybrid form have stats which are the average of their human and animal forms. They also receive a claw or bite attack which does (STR)M lethal damage. They may use the movement modes available to their animal form.
Powers: Essence Drain, Enhanced Regeneration: Embryon may roll 2d6 rather than 1d6 when making regeneration checks.

Weaknesses: Embryon may frenzy as do Bear Shamans (SR3 p163), Essence loss (1pt/month), Allergy: (sunlight, moderate), Shape-shifter weaknesses

BP cost: 15 (+shape-shifter)


Vampeals Divide essence between any 3 stats, otherwise as listed
BP cost: 25

Vampire Flaw:
Essence Sieve
Value -3,-6
You lose essence more quickly than most members of your kind. With the 3 point version you lose essence every month, the six point version increases this to every week. This is in addition to any essence you would normally lose. Any vampire may take this flaw.

Vampire Perks
When you drink a creature's blood you may gain access to it's memories.
When you drink blood from a creature (a complex action which requires an unresisting target) you may make an opposed test between your essence and the creature's willpower. If you score net successes you may compare your results to the Mind Probe table on P.193 SR3 to see what you can learn. You must however "buy" your questions by paying for them with an appropriate number of successes. Thus, a vampire with 6 net successes could view 2 conscious memories or one hidden one. This ability may only be used on a target either once per adventure or once per week, whichever is longer.
Prerequisite: Vampire

When you drink a creature's blood, you touch it's mind, and can forge a permanent link.
When you drink blood from a creature you form a telepathic bond with it allowing the two of you to exchange thoughts, regardless of distance, for a number of hours equal to your essence. If you pay 1 point of good karma during the bond's initial duration, you may later pay 1KP to reestablish it at any time. In either case, you cannot "eavesdrop" on the target's thoughts, nor is it compelled to respond to you, though you can feel that the connection exists. It is likely that means exist to break this bond.
Prerequisite: Vampire



Vampires require essence to survive, often the essence of meta-humans or other sentients. This poses a serious problem to their coexistence with other people. To address this for its agents, and perhaps for vampires generally, Arcadia developed Mycelium, a paranormal strain of bacteria, genetically crossed with neural cells, which is both high in essence, and capable of forming a non-sentient neural network which nonetheless can be made to hold an emotional state. When ingested, Mycelium provides essence to creatures with the essence drain ability.

There are problems however. Mycelium, being a briny sludge, is highly unpalatable, and relatively large amounts of it are necessary to provide a similar amount of essence to feeding on a human. It's flavor and texture are enhanced somewhat when it is thoroughly chilled and mixed with alcohol and sugar, resulting in vampires working with Arcadia being seen on occasion to drink giant frozen daiquiris. Mycelium is also difficult to produce, and Arcadia, while having enough for its own uses, could not produce enough for the existent vampire population at large, or even the official membership of the Ordo Maximus, even if the vampires would agree to drink it. Of lesser note is the fact that Mycelium exhibits no complexity of emotion, and exhibits no emotion other than ecstasy, despite some vampires tastes running towards darker flavors. Arcadian personnel have made no effort to increase complexity of emotion due to the fact that such would likely arise only from sentience, and find requests for Mycelium which feels pain or fear to be... distasteful. Furthermore, Arcadia has been entirely unwilling to share the production process, and the Ordo Maximus would never like to be dependent upon Arcadia for subsistence.

Even under the best of circumstances Mycelium is expensive and slow to produce, but in truth Arcadia is unable to release the production details of Mycelium due to its extreme potential for abuse. Firstly Arcadia has made it a priority to avoid the creation of sentient bacterial colonies, which, with Mycelium, would be easy for a sufficiently determined or careless party. Secondly, the techniques used to generate Mycelium, along with the bacteria itself, could be easily weaponized. The latter combined with the former, and Mycelium's magical nature could theoretically lead to an intelligent weaponized disease, potentially displaying intelligence within a host, or even across multiple hosts. Arcadia of course keeps the details of such concerns to itself and lets the Ordo perceive their reticence primarily as a power play. Nonetheless, the Ordo Maximus covets the secrets of Mycelium production, both for the purposes of producing blood-substitutes, and likely for more nefarious ends...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Visitors claiming vaguely to be from beyond the veil, new types of fey have arrived in the world with little explanation. Largely unknown to the world, some have partnered with Arcadia while others wander about getting by as best they can. As well, certain unsavory interests might hunt them out of fear, or to exploit their magical abilities; fey-blood is often quite potent in magical compounds.

Grace and beauty personified, nymphs are a breathtaking sight to behold, which is just as well, as most love to be the center of attention. Grand and charismatic, nymphs revel in the attentions of others. Nymph hair and eye colors may be any shade of the visible spectrum. Nymphs are able to pass for elves if not subjected to too much scrutiny, and most do. Some make claims of fantastical pedigrees, certifications or noble titles, although none can seem to remember quite where they came from or how they came to be in the world of humans. For unknown reasons, those few in the higher echelons of elven authorities who know about nymphs are uncomfortable with them.

+2 Quickness
+6 Charisma

Unearthly Grace: Nymphs add their charisma to their combat pools for the purposes of dodge and damage resistance tests.
Powers: Wealth (able to create (Essence)x¥1000 worth of clothing, jewelry and expendable foci over the course of a month; individual items are created instantly as a complex action), Confusion (Special: nymph must remain within sight of target), Innate Spells: (Stun-bolt(M), Healthy Glow, Makeover)

Weaknesses: Vulnerability: (Iron), Allergy: (Iron, severe), Compulsive: (appear sexy & tres chic), Bio-rejection, Dietary requirement (organic produce)
BP cost: 25

Small numbers of party-loving Satyrs and Satyresses (also known as fauns) have begun to appear here-and-there, mostly blending into local club scenes and attempting to conceal their true nature. Satyr blood can be used to make some quite potent magical drugs and compounds.

+1 Strength
+2 Body
+2 Quickness
+2 Charisma
Running Multiplier is x5
+2 dice to any test to perform music
Powers: Hypnotic Song(any musical performance), Desire Reflection (sexual, vs compatible target, satyr integrated), Immunity: Melee attacks, Innate spells: Mob Mood, Physical Mask (satyr appears as 1 specific human or elf of similar appearance to base form)

Weaknesses: Satyrs must make a willpower (6) test to refuse a fight or physical contest. Satyrs are lecherous and must make a willpower test against a target number equal to a seducer's charisma in order to resist any advances.
BP cost: 25

Pixies (sprites, critters p.44)

Standing 5 to 7 inches tall, no one is exactly sure where pixies come from, and their existence is largely unknown outside of select circles. (Knowledge paranormal TN 10). Pixie appearances vary wildly, and although common traits might be shared by pixies from a given region, regions and populations can be very small. Eye and hair colors can be any visible shade, ears may be round or pointed. Pixie's wings come in many variations, often resembling those of a butterfly, dragonfly, or moth. Some rare types of pixies even have nonhuman skin tones such as bright red or blue.
A Pixie's diet tends to consist mostly of fruit, although many have a weakness for human-made candies and pastries. Pixie physiology can tolerate a seemingly unlimited amount of sugar.

Pixies have established communities within protected forests, such as those of both Tir Tangir and Tir Nan Ogg, although their existence is seldom known or recognized. Those that make their homes in urban environments tend to be affiliated with Arcadia, a few friendly individuals, or on their own. Arcadia will shelter Pixies, and issue them SINs with human or elven cover identities. Their legal status is not recognized by any AAA corp, or human government.

Body: Starting Max 2
quickness +7
strength: Starting Max 1
Intelligence +1
Willpower +1
+1d6 initiative
Quickness multiplier for flying is 5
Powers: Concealment (personal),-1 to dodge TNs
BP cost: 10

BP cost: 25

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


New Races


Lithe and alluring, catgirls are essentially emblematic of Arcadia. This is for good reason, as 85% of employed catgirls work for Arcadia, with most others being self-employed or the like, and some in government work. This is largely a result of societal expectation, the fact that most catgirls are born inside Arcadia, and that Arcadia scouts them aggressively, and can teach them special martial arts which make best use of their claws, and can teach them to unlock their “living focus” ability. Arcadia has been employing catgirls for as long as there have been catgirls, and perhaps for as long as there has been Arcadia; it has been difficult to pinpoint their emergence due to early secrecy.

Physically, catgirls are highly varied and largely resemble human women, save for having catlike ears and tails covered in fur which may match the catgirl's hair color or may be nearly any other color at all. They also have retractable claws within each of their nails. Catgirls may breed with either humans or elves, with female offspring (77%) being catgirls, and male offspring being of the father's metatype. Rarely, catgirls are born to either human or elf mothers. Catgirls are assumed to be exceptionally long-lived, as none have been observed to age physically past young adulthood, nor have any been known to die of old age. Detailed studies of catgirl physiology have been rare. Demographically catgirls make up less than 5% of the total population.

Racial Adjustments:
+3 Quickness
+4 Charisma
+2 Reaction
+1d6 Initiative
Claws: Retractable, Strength L lethal damage (Str*1.5 if attacking with both hands)
Low-light Vision
Special Ability: Essence increases when magic increases
Special Ability: Living Focus. A catgirl's body functions as a stacked focus of total force equaling her essence. The aspects of this focus may be of any type, such as sustaining, power, or weapon foci. No aspect of this focus can be of the same type as another, and no aspect may have a force greater than ½ of the catgirl's total essence. A willing catgirl may share the abilities of these foci with another magic user, but this requires skin-to-skin contact over an area at least the size of the catgirl's outstretched hand. The nature of this ability is not apparent within the catgirl's aura.
Cat Empathy: Catgirls have no special ability to actually communicate with cats, but get along well with them and can often get them to follow simple commands even without prior training or exposure.
Disadvantage: Sensitive System
BP cost: 20pts

Lynx Shape-shifters

Lynx Shape-shifters have a catgirl form rather than that of a human or elf. Lynxes receive +2 quickness and +2 charisma in either form, and have an x4 running multiplier while in catgirl form.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Arcadia Equipment

Essence Restoration
Arcadia has developed special techniques for restoring a creature's lost essence. This can restore essence lost for any reason, even existent cyberware, in the case of retained cyberware however, the treatment can only restore half of the essence that the cyberware cost. It is thus possible for a person to shed their cyberware and recover their essence, or keep it and recover half. Bio-index may also be reduced similarly. Cyber or bioware complicates matters however, and makes the procedure more costly.
The treatment is an in-patient procedure done at special facilities. It takes a number of days equal to twice the essence to be restored. During this time the patient is kept in an induced coma.
The availability of the service is equal to 20 minus the patient's current essence, or 16 minus essence for mages. The service is in high demand, though it can be hard to find. Special arrangements are often made.

Patient will retain no cyber or bioware:        Missing essence* x10,000¥
Patient will retain bioware:                           Missing essence  x50,000¥
Patient will retain cyberware (inc omnitool): Missing essence x100,000¥
*Missing essence is always rounded up to the nearest whole number, and in the case of patients with 'ware, is calculated according to how much they are missing, not how much they will recover.
Bio index counts as missing essence for this purpose.

Astral Scrubbers
As a result of their magitech research, Arcadia has developed relatively discreet devices which can be used to “scrub down” background counts. Such devices take the form of fractal antennas with various augmentations. They can be built into panels or banners, or constructed as free-standing devices. Astral Scrubbers will cut down an area's background count over a matter of hours or days depending on the nature of the energy. The Scrubbers must be regularly serviced by a technician.
The service does not prevent new background counts from being created, and is not effective in areas where ongoing pollution or toxicity is the cause of the count. As such, Arcadia deploys them only too areas where a background count is or has been caused by emotion or magical phenomena.
Arcadia provides the service to venues such as clubs, concerts and magical gatherings for free, or in exchange for a bit of advertising (typically built into the scrubber panels themselves) or for a fee to clean up such areas as crime scenes or sites of oppression.

Anti-HMVV bullets
Arcadia Agents have access to small amounts of specialized anti-vampire bullets. Wounds inflicted by these rounds do not regenerate, but must be healed by alternate means. For various reasons they are only manufactured and issued in small amounts, and it's rare for an Agent to possess more than one or two clips, if they have any at all.

Metamagic Technique: Barrier
You can use magical energy to deflect and absorb attacks. A vivid
barrier of magical energy flares into view around you.
You may use your spellpool dice as additional combat pool dice on
dodge and damage resistance tests. Your barrier is effective even against surprise attacks.

Magitech shielding
Your shields interfere with hostile magical energies.
Your shields add up to 1/2 of their rating to your resistance tests
against hostile spells.
Price: ¥20,000*rating of the shields.
Avail: Arcadia Faction

Priestess Card
This card releases a bright aura as an image of an angel appears dispenses healing to a target within line of sight as though using the heal spell. The card rolls a number of dice equal to its rating. These cards may be used by mundanes who have had the knowledge of how to use  them imparted by certain spirits These are sometimes issued as an emergency backup measure to agents. Some people with close ties to Arcadia like to keep them around.
Price: ¥1000*rating, Availability (rating)/24 hours, Arcadia Faction

Spell Cards
Arcadia's Magic research has allowed them to create cards, typically tarot-themed, which contain a variety of spells. Sustained spells cannot be made into cards. The card's force is both the force of the spell, and the number of dice rolled in casting it. These cards may be used by mundanes who have had the knowledge of how to use them imparted by certain spirits, and are often issued to agents as emergency countermeasures. These cards are rarer than the priestess cards, and not all spells are available.
Price ¥2,000 x force, Availability: (force)/(force days), Arcadia Faction street index: N/A

Capture Card
This card emblazoned with symbols of sealing can capture astral entities such as spirits or astrally projecting mages.
The card rolls an opposed test between its and its target's force or magic rating. If the card wins then the target must resist (rating)D damage using magic or force. The damage is  staged up by the card's net successes. Targets brought to a deadly wound by this effect are confined within the card, changing the card's imagery to contain a stylized portrait.  Entities may be stored in these cards indefinitely, although agents are careful to track down the bodies of mages before they expire..

Alpha Wave Generator
The Alpha-wave generator is a powerful secret weapon of Arcadia agents. This small, hand-held device emits Alpha modulated neural waves putting its target to sleep and removing items from short-term memory. In order to use this device, its two emitters must be deployed relatively close to the target's face, this can be accomplished in a few ways:
If not in combat you may roll an etiquette test against a target number of the target's intelligence to get them to look at the device. Otherwise you may use sleight of hand. In combat or against a resisting target you must make a successful unarmed attack with the device in hand. When you do this, you deploy the device rather than damage the target.
Once deployed the device rolls its rating against a TN of the target's willpower. If the Alpha-wave emitter gets successes, then the target must resist (Rating) D stun damage using willpower. Successes generated by the emitter can stage up this damage as though it were a ranged attack.
Targets rendered unconscious by an Alpha-wave emitter remain in a state of restful sleep for (Rating) hours, but can be roused by sufficiently strong stimuli (subtract the device's rating from the target's tests to perceive a stimulus). Targets do not retain stun damage after being roused.
Targets also lose a number of minutes of memory equal to the device's rating, starting with when the device was used and going backwards. The emitter may be adjusted to lessen either the sleep or memory loss effects independently of each other.
Price ¥10,000 x Rating, Availability (rating)/14 days, Arcadia Faction concealability 7

Manx KiTN X3
Based on advancements in mana-sensitive film and its derivatives,
Arcadia has managed to make a serious breakthrough and effectively
created a magitech optics system capable of perceiving astral phenomena.

This special KiTN X3 comp has the ability to use astral perception. The
onboard VI receives aura reading as a bonus skill. These comps are
issued individually only to highly trusted agents.

Arcadia Ziodyne Tazer
Damage: 10D stun electrical
Ammo: Microfusion Cell 10 shots
Concealability: 6
The Arcadia Ziodyne tazer uses an ion beam as a conduit for its
electrical discharge, eliminating the need for physical projectiles.
This nearly eliminates recoil, however the weapon's compact but powerful
turbine and magnetron give it a significant gyroscopic kick.
Effectively, the weapon has 3pts of recoil compensation. The weapon's
own ion beam can be used as a laser sight, and it can accept a
smartlink. It uses heavy pistol ranges, and can be fired equally well with
either the pistols or energy weapons skills.
Price: ¥5,000 avaiil 12/24 days, Street index 4

Zoe Armor Line
Arcadia's Zoe Armor line has continued to make advancements not only in personal protection, but also in personal style. The Zoe line now offers armor guaranteed to match anyone's look.
Any armor with a concealability rating of 10 or more can be made as an article of fine clothing by increasing the price by 100%, or as a tres chic outfit by increasing the price by 200%.
Avail: as armor+4, anyone

Friday, December 17, 2010

Ethics, White-hat, Grey-hat, Black-hat

In addition to generating Karma, runners significant actions also generate scores based on their competence, how they conduct themselves and act towards others. These are known as White-hat, Grey-hat, and Black-hat scores. White, and Black-hat scores represent a runner's morality, and are in opposition to each other, whenever runners gain two points of one, they loose one point of the other. Grey-hat score represents the dimensions of competence and reliability. Below are descriptions of the principles underlying each.

White-hat score
White-hats are basically the “good guys”. Shadowrunners commit crimes as a matter of course, live double lives, and are often violent, but that doesn't stop White-hats from helping where they can and having a positive influence overall.

- Improve the world
Perhaps the most important aspect of White-hat runners is that they work to make the world a better place. White-hat runners try to avoid causing suffering and to alleviate it when they find it. They promote happiness and pleasure where they can. White-hat runners take satisfaction in leaving things better than when they found them.

- Protect civilians
White-hat shadowrunners respond in emergencies to rescue or protect people in danger.

- Use minimal force against incidental targets
White-hat runners may engage in wetwork, particularly against Black-hat targets, but they tend to require a good reason for killing anyone, and to avoid lethal force against targets that are simply doing their jobs or "in the way", preferring instead to use nonviolent means of bypassing incidental personnel, or nonlethal force where violence is necessary.

- Fight against injustice, help the downtrodden
White Hats actively seek out innocent victims and those who have been wronged, and come to their aid. White-hat runners like to set things right, and to help the weak or oppressed.

- Benefits of White-hat score
The primary benefits of White-hat score are in interactions. People will be more likely to trust White-hat runners and will offer them far more benefit of the doubt. People's responses will generally be friendlier, both because of the White-hat's enhanced magnetism, and more importantly because of the fact that the runner will be interacting with White-hat's more often and more in-depth. White-hat runners are known for great feats of luck and unity.

- Drawbacks of White-hat score
White-hat score is both more difficult to generate than Black-hat score, and more easily lost. White-hat runners' ethical restrictions, soft-heartedness, and need to help others can lead to mission complications, meaning that they will often have a harder time accomplishing seemingly simple mission objectives, and may have to abandon some objectives entirely.

Grey-hat score
Grey-hat score is simplest, and indicates competence and reliability. It is awarded for successful interventions, and deducted for failures. Flaking out on allies and employers can negatively effect Grey-hat score, while going above and beyond for them can enhance it. All missions have at least some Grey-hat value. Everyone desires a high Grey-hat score.

Black-hat score
Black-hats are unrepentant, and typically indiscriminate murderers, villains, and thugs. They're typically part of the problem, doing anything for money and stooping to any level to accomplish their goals. Black-hats will trample anyone or anything.

- Ruin the world
The definitive feature of Black-hat runners, is that they make the world a worse and more miserable place to live in. Black-hat runners sew pain and suffering where they go, and have little or no empathy for others. Few Black-hat's actually want to ruin the world, they just don't care if they happen to; most are utterly mercenary, though some actually do enjoy seeing people cry.

- Endanger Civilians
Black-hat runners create dire emergencies that put innocent bystanders in harm's way. They will throw a grenade into a crowded elevator if it's the easiest way to kill one target.

- Use excessive force, kill casually
Black-hat runners need no more than a paycheck to justify wetwork, and will kill anyone who gets in their way during the course of a mission. Black-hat runners are notorious for the use of torture where convenient, and easily resort to murder as a means of eliminating witnesses.

- Perpetrate injustice, tread on the downtrodden
Black-hat runners don't care what the job is as long as the pay's good. More money = better than, at least when it comes to choosing Johnsons and who to help. Black-hat runners couldn't care less about someone's sob story.

- Benefits of Black-hat score
The primary benefit of being a Black-hat is that it's easy. Black-hats do whatever gets the mission done and don't really care about the consequences to anyone but themselves. They have no particular restrictions on their actions and mission complications are rarer. Black-hat points are trivially easy to earn, and black hats have an easier time intimidating people.

- Drawbacks of Black-hat score
Black hats tend to encounter more negative reactions, distrust, and suspicion. People rarely give them the benefit of the doubt. Furthermore they live in an unyieldingly cutthroat world, both because of their relations with others, and because they tend to be surrounded by other black-hats. It's likeley that anyone above a black-hat exists to be subverted, and that anyone beneath them exists to be used as a pawn. Betrayal and backstabbing are a way of life.

Game effects
White-hat runners get better reactions from people, and generally find themselves in a friendlier crowd, forming friendships and alliances more easily. Their actions tend to generate contacts and allies who like them and may come to their aid. They also generate substantially less heat, and smaller, sometimes even token, responses from third-party authorities.

Black-hat Runners don't have to worry about mission complications stemming from ethical concerns and will often find themselves able to make more money more easily. People react more negatively to them however, and they constantly have to watch their backs, as they attract a rougher crowd, and their associates are likely to use and dispose of them if it proves advantageous. They generate substantially more heat, and larger, sometimes hard-core, responses from third-party authorities.

Alignment Edges and Flaws

You have a number of charitable obligations that eat into your time, similar to a day job. The value of this flaw depends on the amount of time and money that you spend on charity, helping people out, and general goodwill. The upside is that you do gain White Hat points equal to the value of the flaw on a monthly basis.
10hrs + ¥500   = 1pt
20hrs + ¥1250 = 2pts
40hrs + ¥2500 = 3pts

Dirty Work
Whether it comes from working for an unscrupulous employer, or just being immoral on your own initiative, you spend a lot of your time away from shadowruns getting your hands dirty. This can be lucrative, but takes up a lot of time both in planning out and executing your crimes and schemes, and in running from or covering up the consequences. Your lifestyle doesn't make you friends, and at the end of each month you must roll a Karma check vs a TN of 4+ the value of the flaw in order to avoid gaining flaws such as Enemy, Hunted, or others appropriate to your character. You gain black hat points equal to the value of the flaw on a monthly basis, along with a bit of nuyen.
10hrs + ¥500   = 1pt
20hrs + ¥1250 = 2pts
40hrs + ¥2500 = 3pts

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Laplace System

The Laplace System

In short, the Laplace System is a semi-anonymous computer network through which runners and Johnsons meet and arrange jobs, and through which reputations are tracked. In long, it's a mystery that has baffled the world for over a decade.

When a Johnson needs a runner, a message is posted to the Laplace System, likewise, when runners need a Johnson they can check the Laplace system to see if any runs are available. Runners and Johnsons also track each others reputations in this way through limited biographical files. The Laplace System itself handles the sorting, matching, and prioritization, and has come to be known as quite reliable. When a Johnson has particular runners or runner groups in mind for a mission, they typically receive those runners or suitable replacements if any are available. When runners wonder whether a particular Johnson has work, the Laplace System never steers them wrong.

In practice, this means that runners can always check their comps to find available runs, typically displayed as icons on an overview map of the area. Shadowrunners can often also determine one or more of the following: how much time is left to take the mission, its difficulty, and its priority level. The method of contacting the Johnson for mission details is also often listed. Typically this involves setting up a face-to-face meeting through Laplace chat, but is often just instructions to show up at a specific place and time, perhaps including details on how to recognize the Johnson.

Strangely runners will sometimes arrive and identify a Johnson, only to be told by that Johnson that no posting has been made, but that there is indeed work that needs to be done. Most simply chalk this up to Johnsons being coy about their illicit activity. Similarly, runners will also sometimes find what are called “Blank Label” runs, posted by no one, wherein no Johnson or mission information is provided, but a location or scrap of information is available. Runners know that the way to obtain these missions is essentially to go there and “poke around”.

Of course, some Johnsons still contact runners directly about jobs, and runners can still find runs by wandering about, interacting with people, or performing certain activities, but these missions, too, inevitably show up on Laplace.

Everyone who uses the Laplace System, that is, all shadowrunners and Johnsons, has a Laplace ID, typically their runner name. A Laplace ID allows access to the System and also serves as an identifier to others. What the system displays changes based on who is viewing it and when, and information can be quite limited. A typical runners profile includes perhaps one or more of: ethical score, competency, and archetype, or may even be entirely blank depending on who views it and when. Similar is true for Johnsons. Mission reports and headlines also show up through the system's Laplace Mail, reporting apparent successes or failures of missions; many users however receive these largely to partially garbled or redacted, conveniently hiding facts runners or even Johnsons need kept secret. The Laplace Mail is an invaluable tool for keeping up-to-date in the shadow community, but is notoriously glitchy in this way, in addition to being garbled, occasionally posting nonsensical, contradictory, or misdated information.

The Mystery
The mystery, really, is how the Laplace System does any of this. People can seek out the application and create Ids, but many never did. It's not uncommon for a runners' first interactions with the Laplace System to be when they receive, unbidden, an email with a message containing their Runner ID and a link to download the program. Likewise, some Johnsons claim that they never had a Laplace ID until the day runners showed up out of nowhere.

When the Laplace system first started functioning it took off gradually, only involving some runners, before eventually becoming ubiquitous. Many people were initially panicked at the system and its apparent level of knowledge, but over time its become simply a fact of life, and overt paranoia about Laplace is likely to be dismissed by colleagues and Johnsons alike. Despite massive efforts over the years, many in the beginning, and some ongoing, no megacorporation, government, or shadowrunner has been able to track down what the Laplace System is, who is behind it, or where it's located. Fortunately for the community, no one has found a reliable way to catch runners or Johnsons by using it either.

There are many different beliefs about the Laplace System, its nature, and its origins, though all are speculation. Most rational people assume that it must be run by someone somewhere, but haven't got much to go on beyond that. Others assume that it's just a bunch of garbage data on the matrix being used as the equivalent of an Ouija board, with people pushing at it and then seeing what they want to see. Legally speaking the Laplace System is a bunch of unsourced, unverifiable gobbledygook from the corners of the matrix, and isn't generally considered proof of anything.

Laplace Edges and Flaws

Edge: Lucky ID
Value: 4
You get more benefit from the Laplace Mail's reputation tracking. Your relevant deeds tend to be well-known to Johnsons and other runners, often out of proportion to what you've actually accomplished. This does not effect the Laplace Mail's tendency to keep secret personal or mission details that might damage you, but instead makes you look better to everyone. You get better, higher-paying, and more glamorous missions faster than most people, and compatible organizations and teams will be eager to have you aboard.

Flaw: Unlucky ID
Value: -3
You get a bum rap in the Laplace Mail. It could be bad luck, bad karma or maybe gremlins with a vendetta, but you come across poorly to other members of the community. Your failures seem more prominent, and your accomplishments are less so, sometimes being overlooked entirely. The Laplace Mail doesn't leak details that will get you cooked, but you do look worse to everyone. Johnsons typically assume the worst of your competence and treat you as such. You'll need to somehow join up with a really good team to get out of a rut of low-paying bottom of the barrel missions.

Obviously a character can't have both of these.


Comps (cellphones)

All modern cell phones are equipped with VIs or Virtual Intelligences, and serve as personal computers as well as communication devices. As such modern phones are commonly referred to as Comps, or Comms. Comps are used buy virtually everyone, not least of all shadowrunners.

Features of the modern Comp

Resident VI
The most prominent feature of the modern Comp is it's Resident Virtual Intelligence, or VI. Virtual intelligences are capable of independent action and decision making, if not the intuition, improvisation, and discernment of people or of fabled “true” AIs. The VI in a Comp serves as a secretary, IT department, and help desk in your pocket. The rating of this VI largely determines the price of the phone.
Cheaper models such as the Aztechnology Uno, are available for as little as ¥500 or less, but these Comps contain Rating 1 VIs that offer few advantages over just operating the phone manually. A rating 1 resident VI has 1 intelligence, 1 active skill, and 1 knowledge skill, each at level 1, so not much to work with. These Comps offer only minimal competence in areas related to being a phone, and are no better than animals for tasks which require decision making. Told to take dictation, such VIs are likely to make mistakes frequently and trip over homophones, words run together, or accents. Of course they can still do voice recording, but an automatically generated transcript may look messy. If you're out at a park with friends and tell such a phone simply to “Order us Pizza”, the cheap comp is likely to have trouble parsing who at the park you are or are not with, toppings etc. A likely user might end up with a few pizzas from either the closest place or last one called, configured however that parlor's special is. An especially unlucky user could end up with any arbitrary configuration of pizzas and toppings billed to his cred-stick. Cheap Comps require far more manual babysitting and offer few features beyond being light on the pocketbook.

Higher-end comps such as the Arcadia KiTN X3, a popular model with the college crowd, start at about ¥1500, but offer far more features. Such Comps have rating 3 VIs which feature 3 intelligence along with at least 3 active skills, 3 knowledge skills and a far higher degree of competency. They're at least as good as the average professional for tasks directly related to their parameters and about as good as an unskilled average person on other tasks. Such a comp could easily take dictation despite the speaker's thick accent or fast speech, taking advantage of context and memory to make a clear transcript. It could easily reasonably determine who was in its user's party at a park, recall favorite pizza places and toppings of multiple people present, and order intelligently.

All comps have voice and visual interfaces, as well as the ability to provide simsense (through an old-fashioned datajack or a trode ring, although modern trode rings have no disadvantage). Any comp may come with a touch screen, and or keyboard. Comps of rating 2 or higher have projectors capable of 2D displays for virtual monitors or keyboards (tracked by camera). Comps of rating 3 or higher also have holographic projectors for displaying 3D models or control surfaces, as well as electrostatic field generators capable of providing the gentle sensation of touch, and of more accurately receiving user input.

Comps, and VIs in general, are extremely secure, most recognizing their proper owners through a combination of voice-print, facial, and retinal recognition, as well as commonly being equipped with passwords, pass-phrases, and/or even pass-gestures such as winking. A comp in the possession of an unauthorized user will switch to a neutral display, and attempt to establish authorization, with more intelligent models behaving more dynamically. The comp may raise an audible alarm, or, as all VIs have always-on matrix and GPS connections, it is likely to phone home and begin broadcasting its coordinates. Stealing a comp is quite risky business and rarely done.
Breaking through the security on a comp can be tough depending on the tools at hand. An Engineer or other VI may be equipped with Hacking powers, which can make short work of the job. A user with only the computer skill and their own comp has a tougher time of it. The intruder (either a human or another VI) will likely want to stop the comp's transmissions and audible alarms; this requires a computers test opposed by the comp's own computers skill, with net successes equal to the device's rating being needed to shut down the comp. The intruder may then want to access files, or attempt to scrub the VI.
Accessing files requires breaking through the device's encryption, which requires a computers test against a target number of 2x the comp's rating, and takes a number of hours equal to the square of the device's rating, extra successes can be applied to shorten this time.
Due to internal mechanical fail-safes, it is not possible to physically open a locked or deactivated comp without destroying the device.
Scrubbing a VI is a laborious process which cleans all data including user data from the device, leaving only the firmware intact and making the device ready to accept a new owner. VIs are remarkably complex and redundant in their meta-system structure. Due to its difficulty it is seldom attempted on any VI more sophisticated than a basic comp. The Scrubbing attempt takes a number of hours equal to the cube of the device's rating, after which the scrubbing party makes a computers test vs a TN of 2x the device's rating, and a threshold of half the device's rating, failure to meet this threshold means the attempt must be either retried or abandoned.

Comps are the primary means of communication in much of modern society, just slightly ahead of speaking in person.
Comps can link to other systems in much the same manner that an Engineer can, boosting their attributes, defending them, and giving them access to some of the Comp's skills. A system can accept connections from as many as 2 sources at once, one Resident VI, and one Engineer.
Comps allow their users to perform computing tasks anywhere, and can also perform them on their own.
Comps have skills and knowledge that their users may find valuable.
Comps are how Johnsons and Runners access the Laplace System.