Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Computers Update

Computers Update

VIs can be equipped with hacking powers for ¥10,000. The range of these abilities is normally limited to the VI's rating in meters.
Skilled users and VIs can assist each other in hacking attempts. Combining skills with a VI such as a comp works much like stacking armor. When a computer-user and a VI are working together add ½ of the weaker user's computer and digital skills to those of the higher user's. For instance, if a runner with 6 ranks of computers skill were helping a rating 3 comp deploy a hacking power, the comp would be treated as having 7 ranks of computer skill (.5*3)+6. The VI's normally available tech pool remains unchanged.

New VI perk
Enhanced Range
The range of the VI's hacking powers is increased to 10 times the VI's rating. This Perk may be taken a second time, increasing the range to 100x the VI's rating.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Metahuman Perks

Elves always make the cover

Magic Resistance
You roll dice equal to your body+willpower when resisting magic effects that targets either of the two.
Prerequisite: Dwarf

Toxin resistance
You may add dice equal to your willpower to your resistance tests against poisons and drugs.
Prerequisite: Dwarf


Aura Sensitive
You gain 1 rank of aura reading, and may thereafter raise the skill normally. You may assense targets you can see by rolling Aura Reading directly (rather than as a supplement) even if not awakened or able to perceive astrally.
Prerequisite: Elf, Essence ≥5

Elven Glamor
You're precisely the kind of glamorous elven shadowrunner that elven stereotypes are based on. As long as the total ballistic+impact values of your armor pieces are less than half your charisma you gain +1 power to your attacks and +1 die on social rolls.
Prerequisite: Elf


Gritty Soul
Your essence is treated as 1 higher for purposes of calculating essence loss or bio-index from cyber/bioware.
Prerequisite: Orc

Orcish Grit
You may reduce the damage you receive from an attack by 1 box a number of times per day equal to ½ your essence (round down).
Prerequisite: Orc


Fearsome Presence
You may supplement your interaction rolls with strength.
Prerequisite: Troll

Hulk Smash!
As a free action you may roll a melee weapon skill test against a tn equal to the barrier rating of an object. Each success allows you to treat the barrier rating as one lower when you attack the barrier with the melee skill.
Prerequisite: Troll


You have finer control of your shapeshifting abilities, and may transform only partially if you choose.  You also find it easier to integrate your advancements. Non-magical increases to your physical stats apply to both your human and animal forms. This applies principally to perks, backgrounds and karma-based stat purchases.
Prerequisite: Shapeshifter

Your refinement of your shapeshifting abilities has trained your body to accept limited bioware.
You may buy up to 3 points of cultured bioware. Stat bonuses apply to both forms.
Prerequisite: Shapeshifter, Hybridization

There are also 9 new perks in the general section as of this posting.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Metamagic

New Metamagic
For Mages
*Only Resist and repel Physical are Perks, other entries are metamagics

Mana shield
A mana shield has a rating and resilience equal to it's user's magic. Users can use spellpool dice for shield damage resistance tests. The mana shield is considered Magitech shielding. The mana shield is not specially vulnerable to shield-piercing bullets or electricity, but its rating and resilience are reduced by background counts. The mana shield has immunity to normal weapons as a spirit with a force of 4. A mage can restore their mana shield by taking a complex action to roll sorcery vs a target number of their own magic rating with each success restoring a box of damage; spellpool dice may be used.
Prerequisite: Barrier

New Perks
Resist Physical
Increase the force of your mana shield's immunity to normal weapons ability by 1.

Repel Physical
Increase the force of your mana shield's immunity to normal weapons ability by 1, your Mana Shield is effective against melee attacks, and you roll its rating in place of your melee counterattack roll. Your Shield's counterattack inflicts (rating)M stun damage.
Prerequisite: Resist Physical

Mages with Mana shield may take the Area shield perk as though they were engineers.

Arcane Switch
You may activate or deactivate your quickened spells as though they were foci. You may have a total force of spells operable in this way equal to double your magic attribute.
Prerequisite: Quickening

Arcane Fire
You've developed a potent form of magical offense. The mage projects a blazing beam of raw magical energy. Arcane Fire may be used to attack any target within line of sight, dealing raw magic damage; it's power is equal to 1/2 the mage's magic attribute, and it's damage code is always base M. The mage uses the higher of willpower or charisma as their attack skill, and suffers only half visibility modifiers if perceiving astrally. Arcane Fire bypasses normal armor, though not shields, but is affected by the target's willpower or body as though it were armor. Arcane Fire may strike multiple targets simultaneously, but the mage must split dice between them. Arcane Fire functions as an innate spell for purposes of drain.
Prerequisite: Centering, Knowledge Magic 6, Initiate grade 2

This powerful metamagic technique allows a mage to shift her perspective in time. During her phase, the mage may spend 1 KP to change her actions after having seen their immediate outcome. Use of this ability leaves others on the battlefield with a sense of deja vu, and a feeling that the mage was going to follow her original course of action. The mage's spent Karma Points are never restored by use of this ability. This ability may only be used once per phase, and multiple uses across a turn are considered to stack with each other for the purposes of karma pool cost.
Prerequisite: Divination

Time Stop
This arcane technique allows the mage to seemingly make time stand still. At any time the mage may spend 1 KP and make a magic attribute 10 test. Success means that the mage generates an immediate bonus phase. At the end of this phase the mage must resist 10D drain using the higher of willpower or charisma, and must make a raw magic attribute test vs. TN 5, with any failures resulting in points of temporary magic loss. Mages that have more than half of their magic score drained in this way must check for permanent magic loss, points otherwise return at a rate of 1/hour.
Prerequisite: Chronomancy metamagic, any perk capable of generating a bonus phase.

Galaxy Stop
This technique allows a mage to disrupt opponents and potentially freeze them in place. The Mage chooses a number of opponents within line of sight equal to their magic rating and rolls magic vs. TN 6. Opponents resist by rolling their high stats against the mages magic attribute; those who don't match or beat the mage skip their next initiative passes. The mage must resist (Magic)D drain using the higher of willpower or charisma, but may lower their opponent's target numbers in order to make the drain test easier.
Prerequisite: Chronomancy

For Adepts

Void Meditation
The adept sinks into a trance and contemplates the nature of reality, restoring lost focus and refreshing fortunes. The adept takes 2 hours to make a centering (6) test. Every 2 successes restore a point of spent karma pool. Individual successes may also be used to heal boxes of damage.Void meditation may be attempted once per adventure.
Prerequisite: Centering

Last Breath
Once per session the adept remains conscious and receives a bonus phase upon sustaining a deadly wound. Note that this does not remedy the deadly wound; the adept falls normally at the end of the bonus phase. Adepts with endure may forgo it's activation to allow last breath to activate.

Perfection of  Fortune
You gain a bonus to your Karma Pool equal to half of your initiate grade, and may use successes generated by void meditation to create bonus pool dice on a 1:1 basis. Unlike normal bonus pool dice however, these dice are permanently expended once used.
Prerequisite: Void Meditation.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Cyberware and Bioware

New Ware

Multi-spectral LADAR array
This augmentation implants multi-spectral scanning lasers in the user’s eyes. Installation of the system requires the complete replacement of both eyes.
In addition to gaining thermographic and low-light vision, the scanning beams grant users a -2 TN bonus on perception tests and against visibility based TN modifiers. (+2 bonus to open tests).
Users can also engage an open scan mode, though doing so is extremely conspicuous, as scanning beams are visibly emitted from the user’s eyes. This increases the bonus to up to 8 points, but imposes a penalty equal to double the bonus on any stealth-based rolls, and is considered highly distinctive.
Users can use the scanning beams in an offensive capacity to dazzle foes by looking into their eyes. As a complex action, the user rolls intelligence as a ranged attack skill against a single foe, who may attempt to dodge normally with combat pool, and/or resist using willpower vs. TN 4. The attacker’s net successes are applied as a visibility modifier for the defender (max 8). This penalty is reduced by 1 point each turn.
Price: ¥25,000
Availability: 14/30 days
Essence cost: .6

It is possible to obtain an illegal crack for the Multi-spectral LADAR array which boosts the scanning-beam’s power to dangerous levels suitable for use as a weapon. This allows the user to attack at heavy pistol ranges using either intelligence or the Energy Weapons skill. The attack inflicts a base damage of (Body) L, but the user must resist (Power-2) M damage as the system was not designed for this. Users may lower the power of the attack to avoid damage to their own systems. This crack is illegal and raises the base price of the system by ¥10,000.

Bionic Movement System

The Bionic Movement System replaces the bones of the user’s feet and legs, as well as parts of the spine with a bionic endoskeleton, working in concert with movement software to greatly enhance the user’s quickness and movement rate.
Each level of this system increases the user’s quickness by 1 and adds a +1 multiplier to the user’s land speed. The system is available in 3 levels, allowing users to walk or run at up to 4x their unaugmented speeds.
Price: ¥30,000 /level
Availability: 12+level
Essence cost: 0.5/level

Flight System
Retractable ion jets allow users to hover, or to fly at their normal movement rates. The system is available at 4 levels, each increasing the flight movement rate by 1
Price: ¥105,000/ ¥157,500/ ¥236,250/ or ¥354,375
Availability: 14, 17, 20, or 23
Essence cost: 1.0, 1.5, 2.25, or 3.375

Magnetic Buffer
This implant uses a powerful magnetic field to help you move away from danger and to seemingly deflect bullets. Each level adds 1 combat pool die for the purposes of dodge and damage resistance tests.
Price: ¥25,000/level Avail: 10/14 days Essence cost: .25/level

Internal shield generator
A recent breakthrough from Langrisser, this implanted shield generator interfaces directly with the brain, increasing ease of synchronization and bringing the base price of the shield to ½ the normal price. It also allows combat pool dice to be used for shield damage resistance.
Essence: .1*rating of shield

This advanced skill system permanently upgrades one of the recipients existing skills by a set amount (up to 4 levels per skill)
Price: ¥25,000/level, availability: 10/30 days, Essence: .1*levels

Master Blaster Target assist system
This extensive implant system helps to guide the user's hands in combat and keeps track of targets on the battlefield. It provides the following benefits. +1 point of recoil compensation, -1 to TN penalty for attacking multiple targets, -2 to visibility modifiers for ranged combat with the associated weapon type. It also provides +1 die to skill rolls involving the weapon type, and provides the user with a Blaster Pool equal to one third of the associated weapon skill. Blaster pool dice may be used in place of combat pool when attacking.
Price: ¥200,000 availability: 12/30 days, essence: 1

Gimbaled Joints
This full-body system gives the user flexible and shock-absorbing joints which add +2 dice to stealth and athletics tests.
Price: ¥100,000 availability: 10/20 days, essence: .75

Backup Life support
A ridealong VI in the user's brain controls a variety of life-support and resuscitation systems. This allows the user to maintain a baseline level of awareness even while unconscious, and to feign unconsciousness perfectly after receiving deadly stun damage. After receiving a deadly wound, users may return to 1 box short of deadly at a time of their convenience. Users may also choose to remain functional after receiving a deadly stun or physical wound, albeit at a +2 general target number penalty, in addition to normal wound penalties.
Price: ¥250,000, availability: 13/30 days, essence: 1


HYDRA cell-breeder
The HYDRA cell-breeder is an artificial organ, implanted in the chest cavity, which produces cloned blood platelets, immune and stem cells as well as a variety of organic medical compounds and painkillers. Recipients of the symbiont seldom require hospitalization and are capable of complete recovery from even the most grievous of physical wounds.
The user receives a -3 modifier to all damage recovery tests and 3 additional dice on physical damage recovery tests. Furthermore, users recover from physical damage in an amazing ⅕th of the normal time. The HYDRA cell-breeder is incompatible with most forms of cyberware, and with non-cultured bioware. Recipients do not accrue physical scars, but also cannot receive tattoos or piercings.
Price: ¥150,000
Availability: 16/30 days, from Shiawase, or Arcadia only
Bio-index: 1

Bio-Neural Augmentation
This procedure enhances neural tissue neurotransmitter and hormone levels to increase cognitive, social or empathic functioning.
Neural augmentation can increase any mental stat, each stat may be augmented up to 3 times.
Price: ¥50,000/ point
Availability: 13/10 days
Bio-index: .5/point

Bio-Neural Restructuring
A cheaper alternative to Bio-Neural Augmentation, this procedure re-purposes the mind and body’s existing systems to achieve the surgeon’s desired result. While it is easier to come by, and can even be used in conjunction with augmentation, many believe that it comes at too great a cost for gaining an edge.
Bio-Neural Restructuring allows points to be moved from one mental score to another. No score may be raised more than three points in this way.
Price: ¥10,000/ point
Availability: 13/ 6 days
Bio-index: .1/ point

Lazarus Systems
These exotic systems are cloaked in secrecy, and thought to be rumors (Know: bioware TN 13), but if the rumors are true, they allow their recipients to return from the dead! It would seem, to those in the know, that 3 separate systems have been developed, all operating on different principles. 6 hours after dying users roll a body test against TN 12; success means that the user returns to life stabilized at a deadly wound and begins to recover normally. Failure means that the test is repeated every 6 hours, either until success is achieved, or a number of attempts equal to the subject's karma pool have passed.
Price: ¥300,000 availability: 15/30 days, Arcadia, Aztechnology, or Renraku faction, Index 1

Nanopolymer Blood
This mysterious system infuses the recipient's bloodstream with bio-engineered organisms which can instantly reconstruct or replace damaged tissue with flesh constructed of the user's own blood. Recipients of nanopolymer blood have 6 boxes worth of physical healing available to them each day. Activating this healing doesn't require an action, but does require a damage recovery check. Wounds healed by nanopolymer blood still appear quite slick, raw and bloody, until their normal healing time has elapsed. The HYDRA cell-breeder doubles the effectiveness of the blood. The system is essentially unheard of (Know TN 15)
Price: ¥???, availability: Unknown, Index: .5

Friday, May 20, 2011

Alignment Benefits

Alignment Benefits

Shadowrunners gain special abilities as their Black, White, and Grey Hat scores increase. Every 40 points of Black or White Hat score, or 50 points of Grey Hat score gives runners a corresponding slot that may be filled with one of the alignment benefits below. Choices are permanent once made.

New Perks!

You gain an extra Black, White, or Grey Hat Benefit slot. This perk may be taken multiple times, but may not more than double the natural number of slots that you would have of any given type.

You gain 2 Bonus Pool dice for each alignment benefit you possess.

White Hat Benefits

As a complex action you may spend 1KP to cause yourself and each member of your team to heal 1 box of damage for every 10 points of your white hat score. Individual team members may choose to apply this healing to either stun or physical damage.

Luck of Heroes
You gain a bonus to your Karma pool equal to 1/20th of your White Hat score.

Karmic Favor
When you spend Karma Pool to reroll failures you roll at -1 TN

Add 1 to your lowest ability score for every 20 points of your White Hat score. This may be applied retroactively but must be applied incrementally. Points added should be noted, as they can be lost if White Hat score decreases.

Renewal of The Soul
Your essence is considered to be 1 point higher for each 25 points of your White Hat score. This Benefit cannot raise your effective essence to a value higher than your starting essence.

You are able to produce an effect similar to Divination (MiTS p75). You roll dice equal to the average of your mental stats for the divination test, and may use this ability one time per week for every White Hat benefit you possess.

Rewards of Virtue
For every 5 points of White hat score you earn you gain 1 point of good karma; you also subtract 10x your White Hat score from your medical expenses and each of your lifestyle costs.

Black Hat Benefits

As a free action you may spend 1KP to add 1/20th of your black hat score to the power of your attacks for the turn.

As a free action you may spend 1 KP to impose a combat pool dice penalty on your opponents for the turn. This penalty is equal to 1/10th of your black hat score and is resisted by your opponents rolling their highest stat Vs. TN 4, with each success reducing the penalty by 1. This is a fear effect.

Whenever you spend Karma Pool to reroll failures you increase the power of your attacks by 1 for the duration of the encounter. This bonus stacks with itself.

You may continue to function normally while at 1 box of overflow damage for every 20 points of your black hat score.

Strength of Corruption
For every point of essence you are missing you may roll 1 additional die on attack rolls and melee counterattack rolls.

Reaper's Feast
When you inflict a deadly physical wound or killing blow on a living opponent you may roll dice equal to that opponent's karma pool against a TN of 6. Each success heals you 1 box of stun or physical damage as it turns out you weren't hurt as badly as anyone thought.

Wages of Sin
Whenever you gain Black Hat points you also gain additional ¥500* the number of points gained. You may add dice equal to 1/20th of your Black Hat score to your etiquette rolls to purchase illicit gear.

Grey Hat Benefits

Smooth Operator
You may spend 1KP to ignore target number penalties equal to 1/20th of your Grey Hat score for the duration of the encounter.

Pinch Competence
You may spend 1KP to add dice equal to 1/20th of your Grey Hat score to your skill rank for a roll. This may be used for skills you do not possess, and allows you to avoid defaulting.

You may select a Black Hat or White Hat Benefit that you do not possess, the selected benefit is thereafter calculated based on your Grey Hat score. Versatility may be selected more than once.

Slow and Steady
Add one point to your lowest active skill for every 20 points of Grey-hat score you possess. This may be applied retroactively, but must be applied incrementally.

Practice Makes Perfect
When you take this benefit, choose a number of skills equal to 1/40th of your Grey Hat score, this number may increase as your score does. During the course of an adventure you have a pool of failure rerolls to be shared amongst those skills equal to 1/20th of your Grey Hat score.

Die Hard
You roll additional dice on damage resistance tests equal to your grey hat benefits plus twice the number of wound penalties you have accrued.

For every 40 points of Grey Hat score you possess, increase a stat of your choice by 1 and choose a linked skill. When rolling checks with that skill you may either roll additional dice equal to 1/40th of your Grey Hat score, or ignore Target number penalties equal to 1/20th of your Grey Hat score.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mysterious Persons

Mysterious Persons

The Samaru Genie
The Samaru Genie
Many runners claim to have had run-ins with a mysterious woman in harem garb who offers to grant wishes in exchange for favors or conditions. The first such incidents were reported when several competing groups of runners were present during a convention at the Samaru Towers; and the mysterious woman became known as The Samaru Genie. Since then the Samaru Genie has been reported to appear to people any and everywhere. Runners often say that she appeared to them in one of innumerable guises, and then suddenly left them talking to a completely different person, or that they found themselves suddenly in a city out of Arabian Nights, only to find that they had been staring off into space for some minutes. The Samaru Genie is always reported to appear and disappear without a trace. Reports about The Samaru Genie as a Johnson are conflicted; some say that she is straightforward, reasonable and friendly, and that their wishes always come true; others describe her as moody, flighty and misleading, and claim that she twists wishes, or worse yet grants them in ways that don't even conform to their literal wording, or doesn't grant them at all. Occultists and enthusiasts posit that The Samaru Genie will only grant wishes in proportion to the tasks she sets out. Skeptics posit that The Samaru Genie is nothing more than a popular urban legend amongst shadowrunners, and that rational people should realize that there's no such thing as The Samaru Genie at all.

The Karma Fairy
Sometimes strange miracles seem to happen for normal people; their mortgages will suddenly be paid off, or their rusting cars will suddenly be replaced. Charity drives or events will be somehow anonymously organized, but only for good people who truly seem to deserve it, or who have been dealt a bad hand in life. These phenomena have been attributed to what the Seattle media have come to refer to as The Karma Fairy. Speculation about The Karma Fairy has become relatively commonplace, with many people believing that The Karma Fairy must be some sort of supernatural being, and others assuming that it's a random good Samaritan. Others believe that it couldn't be just one person, and some don't believe in The Karma Fairy at all. Regardless, those who claim to have had their fortunes changed by The Karma Fairy are deeply grateful.

Veiled in mystery and striking at night, Thanatos is a force of retribution against some of Seattle's most dangerous runners. Little is known about him, save for the fact that he strikes out in ambush against criminals and runners that have committed particularly heinous offenses, broadcasting their deaths or captures live across the matrix, and that his equipment is the most technologically advanced that anyone has seen on the street. Thanatos has an array of vehicles, and mechs, all themed to put fear into criminals... who are known to be a cowardly and superstitious lot. Some rumors on the street even say that he is attended by the spirits of the dead. Thanatos tends to avoid engagements with the police, but has no reservations about crossing extraterritorial lines or engaging with corporate forces. Many corporate big-wigs, criminal syndicates, and black-hat shadowrunners are gunning for him, but none have yet had any luck.

One-Eyed Jack
Always seen obscured save for a single glowing eye, One-Eyed Jack is a serial Killer said to target players of the Joker Game. Apparently quite fiercely powerful both in technology and magic, he is responsible not only for the deaths of a string of serial killing targets, but also of many law enforcement officers, and the destruction of The Nanten: Seattle's former top runner group, who had been hired to take him down. According to police, One-Eyed Jack's targets are random; urban legend however claims that all of his victims have been winners of The Joker Game, a current craze in bars, at parties, and on college campuses. Police point out that The Joker Game is so widely played that any link between it and One-Eyed Jack is a case of Texas sharpshooting, and that equally importantly One-Eyed Jack couldn't even know who was winning or losing the game in the first place. Police point out that dozens if not hundreds of people win at the Joker Game every day and aren't killed by Jack. Many people have become wary of the Joker Game in light of such warnings, but even more seem to interpret the One-Eyed Jack angle as adding a spooky thrill and an element of risk. Believers point to the phenomenon of losers who hold on to their black joker cards coming into sudden financial gain as support for the significance of the Joker Game, but such claims are also easily dismissed as cherry-picked data.

Health and Wellness Services

Health and Wellness Services

Arcadia Aura Balancing
Aura Balancing
In addition to Essence Restoration, Arcadia offers Aura Balancing as a part of its spa and massage services. After an initial aura assessment an appointment is made. The treatment is offered as part of a full-day relaxation package, it uses many exotic materials, oils, and rare minerals, and it is available in 3 levels.
A level one Aura Balancing relaxes the recipient and boosts confidence, providing one bonus pool die, and one extra die on the recipient’s social skill rolls.
A level two Aura Balancing provides the previous benefits, but also clears the user's mind, boosting a mental stat of the user's choice by 1, and providing both an additional bonus pool die and an additional die on social skill rolls.
A level three aura balancing can be truly enlightening; boosting a second mental stat by 1, granting a third bonus pool and social skill die, and allowing the recipient to roll 3 additional dice on all healing and recovery tests. Furthermore, during a level 3 Aura Balancing, the recipient may pay 1 good karma to roll an essence test against a target number of 6; success permanently increases the recipient’s Karma Pool by 1.
The effects of Aura Balancing last a number of days equal to 5 x the recipient's essence.

Price*: 5,000¥, 10,000¥, or 20,000¥, Appointment Availability**: Level+7/ Level+ 11 days
*Potential recipients may subtract 10x their white hat score from the price of the treatment.
**Potential recipients add 1/5th of their black hat rating to the availability and time of finding an appointment.

Aztechnology Hemoglobin Augmentation
Using a secret and proprietary process, Aztechnology is able to boost patient's physical performance. The procedure involves sedating the patient and injecting them with a set of special reagents, after which a quantity of blood is removed, taken to a separate area to be augmented, and is then re-administered to the patient. Each level boosts any 2 physical attributes by 1 apiece, and the treatment is available in 3 levels. Aztechnology is concerned with patient wellness and is willing to offer this service on credit. (payment plan 10% minimum payment per month, 10% monthly interest). Rumors persist that a version of this treatment can boost the magic attribute and spellpool, or even grant permanent boosts, but that such a service requires “special materials” and is only available in exchange for significant favors to Aztechnology.
Treatment lasts 14 days

Price: Level*10,000¥ Availability: Always

Renraku Cyber Synchronization
Renraku is currently allowing cyberware-using members of the public to buy into trials of its “Cyber Synchronization” service, a procedure said to enhance the interface between man and machine. The procedure requires general anesthesia, but boosts strength and body by a total number of points equal to 6 – the patient's essence. Deeper treatments somehow provide a similar number of extra dice on spell resistance tests, and the highest level of the treatment provides the Endure perk. It is unknown how this procedure operates, although Renraku does request that patients return regularly to allow the long-term effects of the procedure to be studied.
Effects of treatment last 30- 2x essence days

Price: Level*7,500¥ Availability: 3+2x essence/2 weeks

Langrisser Omnitool Optimization
Most engineers are far too hard on their Omnitools to keep them running at optimal efficiency. Langrisser Omnicorp offers tuneup services that improve the omnitools functionality... at least until the engineer goes and overclocks it again. The Optimization procedure involves a thorough assessment of the Engineer's biology, as well as omnitool software, followed by software and hardware calibration, plus a nanite boost. This temporarily boosts an omnitool's rating by 1, and provides temporary Tech Pool dice equal to twice the omnitool's normal rating; when used, these dice do not refresh, but are gone permanently, when all have been used, the treatment is expended, and the omnitool returns to its normal rating.
The optimization lasts for 30 days or until expended

Price: Omnitool rating x2,000¥ Availability 10