Friday, May 20, 2011

Alignment Benefits

Alignment Benefits

Shadowrunners gain special abilities as their Black, White, and Grey Hat scores increase. Every 40 points of Black or White Hat score, or 50 points of Grey Hat score gives runners a corresponding slot that may be filled with one of the alignment benefits below. Choices are permanent once made.

New Perks!

You gain an extra Black, White, or Grey Hat Benefit slot. This perk may be taken multiple times, but may not more than double the natural number of slots that you would have of any given type.

You gain 2 Bonus Pool dice for each alignment benefit you possess.

White Hat Benefits

As a complex action you may spend 1KP to cause yourself and each member of your team to heal 1 box of damage for every 10 points of your white hat score. Individual team members may choose to apply this healing to either stun or physical damage.

Luck of Heroes
You gain a bonus to your Karma pool equal to 1/20th of your White Hat score.

Karmic Favor
When you spend Karma Pool to reroll failures you roll at -1 TN

Add 1 to your lowest ability score for every 20 points of your White Hat score. This may be applied retroactively but must be applied incrementally. Points added should be noted, as they can be lost if White Hat score decreases.

Renewal of The Soul
Your essence is considered to be 1 point higher for each 25 points of your White Hat score. This Benefit cannot raise your effective essence to a value higher than your starting essence.

You are able to produce an effect similar to Divination (MiTS p75). You roll dice equal to the average of your mental stats for the divination test, and may use this ability one time per week for every White Hat benefit you possess.

Rewards of Virtue
For every 5 points of White hat score you earn you gain 1 point of good karma; you also subtract 10x your White Hat score from your medical expenses and each of your lifestyle costs.

Black Hat Benefits

As a free action you may spend 1KP to add 1/20th of your black hat score to the power of your attacks for the turn.

As a free action you may spend 1 KP to impose a combat pool dice penalty on your opponents for the turn. This penalty is equal to 1/10th of your black hat score and is resisted by your opponents rolling their highest stat Vs. TN 4, with each success reducing the penalty by 1. This is a fear effect.

Whenever you spend Karma Pool to reroll failures you increase the power of your attacks by 1 for the duration of the encounter. This bonus stacks with itself.

You may continue to function normally while at 1 box of overflow damage for every 20 points of your black hat score.

Strength of Corruption
For every point of essence you are missing you may roll 1 additional die on attack rolls and melee counterattack rolls.

Reaper's Feast
When you inflict a deadly physical wound or killing blow on a living opponent you may roll dice equal to that opponent's karma pool against a TN of 6. Each success heals you 1 box of stun or physical damage as it turns out you weren't hurt as badly as anyone thought.

Wages of Sin
Whenever you gain Black Hat points you also gain additional ¥500* the number of points gained. You may add dice equal to 1/20th of your Black Hat score to your etiquette rolls to purchase illicit gear.

Grey Hat Benefits

Smooth Operator
You may spend 1KP to ignore target number penalties equal to 1/20th of your Grey Hat score for the duration of the encounter.

Pinch Competence
You may spend 1KP to add dice equal to 1/20th of your Grey Hat score to your skill rank for a roll. This may be used for skills you do not possess, and allows you to avoid defaulting.

You may select a Black Hat or White Hat Benefit that you do not possess, the selected benefit is thereafter calculated based on your Grey Hat score. Versatility may be selected more than once.

Slow and Steady
Add one point to your lowest active skill for every 20 points of Grey-hat score you possess. This may be applied retroactively, but must be applied incrementally.

Practice Makes Perfect
When you take this benefit, choose a number of skills equal to 1/40th of your Grey Hat score, this number may increase as your score does. During the course of an adventure you have a pool of failure rerolls to be shared amongst those skills equal to 1/20th of your Grey Hat score.

Die Hard
You roll additional dice on damage resistance tests equal to your grey hat benefits plus twice the number of wound penalties you have accrued.

For every 40 points of Grey Hat score you possess, increase a stat of your choice by 1 and choose a linked skill. When rolling checks with that skill you may either roll additional dice equal to 1/40th of your Grey Hat score, or ignore Target number penalties equal to 1/20th of your Grey Hat score.